Is Israel’s Reluctance to Prosecute Suspected Criminals an Opportunity?

المقال - هل يعتبر إحجام إسرائيل عن محاكمة المشتبه بهم جريمة؟

Reports that Israel is compiling lists of officials who might be arrested during travel abroad if the International Criminal Court decides to investigate war crimes in Palestine highlight the power and potential of the Court. Al-Shabaka policy analysts 24398 and 24378 discuss three key indicators that support the strong possibility of ICC intervention against alleged war criminals.

Beyond Failed Frameworks: A Re-Imagined Collective Future

مقال - ما وراء الأطر الفاشلة: مستقبل جماعي مُعاد تصوره

At a time of paralysis due to the pandemic and multiple Israeli violations of Palestinian rights, it is more urgent than ever for the Palestinian people to move beyond the sterile vision of a “feasible” future. Al-Shabaka Senior Policy Fellow 24588 reviews efforts to break through imposed limits and envision a revolutionary consensus.

Maps, Technology, and Decolonial Spatial Practices in Palestine

Article - Maps, Technology, and Decolonial Spatial Practices in Palestine

The practice of mapping in Palestine-Israel has long been an exercise in power, imperialism, and dispossession. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst 24598 examines how Palestinians have been excluded from maps of their own land from the British Mandate to today, and explores ways that Palestinians can – and do – reclaim maps as a means of resistance. 

The Systematic Torture of Palestinians in Israeli Detention

Since the establishment of Israel in 1948, the Israeli Security Agency has been torturing Palestinians. Al-Shabaka Senior Palestine Policy Fellow 24588 argues that the use of torture in Israeli detention is systematic and legitimized through domestic law, and outlines steps for the international community to hold Israel to account and bring an end to these violations. 

The Political Marginalization of Palestinian Women in the West Bank

While Palestinian women have always faced political marginalization, developments since the Oslo Accords have caused them to endure perhaps even more formidable challenges when it comes to political participation. Al-Shabaka Palestine Policy Fellow 24588 outlines these challenges and recommends ways for Palestinian women and society to disrupt this process and revitalize the Palestinian liberation struggle through feminism. 

The Conditional Right to Health in Palestine

For decades, political barriers have obstructed the Palestinian health system in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, impeding rights and protections. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Yara Asi examines how the Israeli occupation has decreased Palestinians’ ability to seek or practice health care, and offers recommendations that can support Palestinians’ right to health within the current constrained circumstances.

Climate Change, the Occupation, and a Vulnerable Palestine

Palestinians are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change due to the Israeli occupation. In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka US Policy Fellow 24598 examines how Israel’s appropriation of Palestinian natural resources and restrictions on movement prevents Palestinians from pursuing climate change adaption, and recommends options available to those in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Neopatrimonialism, Corruption, and the Palestinian Authority: Pathways to Real Reform

Article - Neopatrimonialism, Corruption, and the Palestinian Authority: Pathways to Real Reform

Overview Palestinians recently ranked corruption as the second largest problem they face after the economic crisis – higher than the Israeli occupation, which ranked third. Indeed, Palestinians generally view Palestinian Authority (PA) officials as a self-serving, elitist group disconnected from the Palestinian national struggle and the daily sufferings of the people. Such perceptions are fostered […]

The EU and Jerusalem: The Potential for Pushback

Though the EU routinely fails to transcend statements of condemnation and implement international law regarding Palestinian rights, there is potential for it to hold Israel to account. In light of the US embassy move, Al-Shabaka’s 24588 considers the status of Jerusalem and offers ways the EU can induce Israel to respect the rights of the city’s Palestinian inhabitants.