How settlement businesses sustain Israeli occupation

Companies doing business in Israeli settlements contribute to and profit from land confiscations and the violation of Palestinian workers’ rights – and support the settlements which are illegal under international law, according to a Human Rights Watch report.

HRW calls on businesses to withdraw from Israeli settlements

Human Rights Watch on Tuesday called on Israeli and international businesses to withdraw from Jewish-only settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory, saying they “contribute to and benefit from” Israeli violations.

Palestinians banned from working in illegal Israeli settlements

Article - Palestinians banned from working in illegal Israeli settlements

Palestinians have been banned from working in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank following recent attacks, Israel’s army said.

UN fiddles while Palestine burns

Article - Israel continues ethnic cleansing in East Jerusalem

According to the Palestinian Water Authority, 85 percent of water in the occupied territories is allocated to Israeli settlers. The NGO Al Shabaka reported in December that 599,901 Israeli settlers use six times more water than nearly three million Palestinians living in the West Bank.

Palestine-Israel: Europe Drowning in America’s Failures

Article - Any Hope for French ME Peace Initiative?

On Monday, January 18, 2016, the monthly meeting of the European Union Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels is expected to discuss and decide on next steps to be adopted by the EU on the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Policy-makers in Israel are worried as they fear an expansion of European efforts to isolate Israel’s settlements.

Palestinian teen could face ‘maximum sentence’

Alaa Tartir, programme director at the Palestinian think tank al-Shabaka that examines the role of political parties in the recent uprising, holds the traditional Palestinian political parties responsible for ‘educating’ and spreading awareness about the political situation among young Palestinians.

Cut from a different cloth: Palestinian textile company bridges the divide

Article - Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would destroy Palestine’s hopes of justice

Samia al-Botmeh, policy adviser for the Palestinian policy network al-Shabaka, says the low participation rate of Palestinian women is striking as girls have high education rates.

L’Europe doit prendre les rênes et conduire à la paix en Palestine-Israël

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Le lundi 18 janvier 2016, la réunion mensuelle du Conseil des Affaires étrangères de l’Union européenne à Bruxelles doit discuter et décider de nouvelles mesures qui pourront être adoptées par l’UE sur la question israélo-palestinienne. Les décideurs politiques en Israël sont inquiets, car ils craignent une expansion des efforts européens pour isoler les colonies de peuplement israéliennes.

Palestine-Israel: Europe drowning in America’s failures

On Monday, Jan. 18, 2016, the monthly meeting of the European Union Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels is expected to discuss and decide on next steps to be adopted by the EU on the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Policy-makers in Israel are worried as they fear an expansion of European efforts to isolate Israel’s settlements.