How 3G Will Change Palestine

Article - It’s Increasingly Unsafe to Farm or Fish in Gaza

While 3G access will be a huge opportunity, as long as the Israeli occupation still controls the development of the Palestinian communications industry, economic progress will be limited, Arafeh says. “The occupation is the major obstacle. The occupation micromanages every aspect of the Palestinian economy—its total control of the ICT [Information and Communications Technology] sector is just one example.”


Israel’s Overlooked Issue With Palestinians: Cellular Service

News - Palestinian Political Activism Could Push Toward a One-state Solution

The long-awaited awarding of 3G frequencies is a good sign both for app users and the overall Palestinian economy, the think tank Al-Shabaka says.

Part 6: Palestinian youth revolt – Any role for political parties?

Part six of an eight-part publication on the current absence of authentic Palestinian national leadership and the current youth uprising against Israel’s prolonged military occupation and denial of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). The segment is authored by Mjiriam Abu Samra, a doctoral researcher in International Relations at the University of Oxford, whose work focuses on Palestinian transnational student movements and their contribution to the broader liberation movement through different periods.


Part 5: Palestinian youth revolt – Any role for political parties?

Part five of an eight-part publication on the current absence of authentic Palestinian national leadership and the current youth uprising against Israel’s prolonged military occupation and denial of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT). The segment is authored by Jaber Suleiman, a Palestinian independent researcher and consultant, who is currently a consultant for the Palestinian program of UNICEF in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.

Ljudje so končno stopili naprej, politika je zdaj potisnjena v ozadje

Article - Ljudje so končno stopili naprej, politika je zdaj potisnjena v ozadje

Stvari vedno rada postavim v kontekst. Temu, kar se dogaja, lahko rečemo upor ali odpor, ki ju žene obup, dejansko pa bi dogodkom na okupiranih palestinskih območjih zdaj težko rekli intifada. Zelo pomembno je, kako te dogodke označujemo, a ključno je, da gre za dejanja iz upora in obupa, ki so usmerjena proti izraelski okupaciji. Tako preprosto ne gre več naprej.

Part 4: Palestinian youth revolt – Any role for political parties?

Part four of an eight-part publication on the current absence of authentic Palestinian national leadership and the current youth uprising against Israel’s prolonged military occupation and denial of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT). The segment is authored by Khalil Shaheen, a Palestinian journalist, media expert, researcher, and well-known political and media analyst. He is currently the director of research and policies and board member at Masarat – The Palestine Center for Policy Research and Strategic studies in Ramallah.

Part 3: Palestinian youth revolt – Any role for political parties?

Part three of an eight-part publication on the current absence of authentic Palestinian national leadership and the current youth uprising against Israel’s prolonged military occupation and denial of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT). The segment is authored by Nijmeh Ali, a Palestinian from Haifa currently working on her PhD at the National Center for Peace and Conflict Studies at Otago University, New Zealand. Her focus is on the Palestinian citizens of Israel as an indigenous people.

Part 2: Palestinian youth revolt – Any role for political parties?

Part two of an eight-part publication on the current absence of authentic Palestinian national leadership and the current youth uprising against Israel’s prolonged military occupation and denial of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT).The segment is authored by Jamil Hilal, an independent Palestinian sociologist and writer who has published many books and numerous articles on Palestinian society, the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Middle East issues.

Part 1: Palestinian youth revolt – Any role for political parties?

Part one of an eight-part publication on the current absence of authentic Palestinian national leadership and the current youth uprising against Israel’s prolonged military occupation and denial of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT). The segment is authored by Jamal Juma’, a founding member of the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees, the Palestinian Association for Cultural Exchange and the Palestinian Environmental NGO Network.