Israel’s cynical new strategy: Reframe Palestine debate as a religious battle, when it is really about civil rights

Despite a recent Kerry visit, the US has washed its hands of Israel/Palestine talks. After Paris, Al-Shabaka’s Nadia Hijab and Alaa Tartir explain, that’s bad news.

La nouvelle stratégie cynique d’Israël

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Malgré une visite récente de Kerry, les Etats-Unis se mettent en retrait des négociations entre Israël et la Palestine. Après Paris, c’est une mauvaise nouvelle.

The Palestinians Fleeing Syria Are Among the Most Vulnerable Refugees

Policy Members Abu Moghli and Bitarie highlight the particularly vulnerable position of Palestinian refugees of Syria that leaves them with even fewer rights than other refugees.

Résister à la fragmentation de l’économie palestinienne

Article - Resisting the fragmentation of the Palestinian economy

Il s’avère donc indispensable d’analyser et de mettre en œuvre, sur le terrain, une stratégie capable de résister à la dislocation économique au sein des territoires palestiniens occupés. 

The Wanted 18 Cows, Economic Resistance, and Israel

Program Director Alaa Tartir: The Wanted 18 illustrates three areas that Israel, as a colonial and occupying power, hates to see. These areas are: Palestinian sovereignty; resistance and mobilization, and self-reliance.

Palestine Refugees in Syria: A Recurring Tragedy

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Refugees for over six decades, Palestinians in Syria face a precarious legal status given the civil war and renewed displacement. Al-Shabaka policy member Mai Abu Moghli explains how some are falling through the cracks of the international protection regime and calls for a solution based on human rights and international law.

Can fragility in countries be addressed outside of politics?

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Have the ‘good intentions’ of the international community and institutions such as the World Bank hindered progress in countries and territories vulnerable to instability and violence? The case of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) suggests a resounding ‘yes’.

Israel, ISIS and the Paris attacks

The recent spate of terror attacks around the world have given Israel an opportunity to showcase its military and intelligence capabilities—and to further crack down on Palestinians.

Israël, l’Etat islamique et les attentats de Paris

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La récente série d’attentats terroristes qui a frappé le monde a donné à Israël l’occasion de montrer ses capacités militaires et en matière de renseignement, et de sévir encore plus contre les Palestiniens.