האם עובדים פלסטינים יפגעו מההחלטה לסמן מוצרי התנחלויות

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בשעה טובה פרסם האיחוד האירופי את הנחיותיו לסימון מוצרים שיוצרו בהתנחלויותהבלתי-חוקיות, אשר נבנו על-ידי ישראל בשטחים שכבשה ב-1967. עוד בטרם פורסמו ההנחיות יצאה ממשלת ישראל נגד המהלך בטענה שהוא חותר תחת השלום ומפלה כנגד ישראל.

Strangling the Palestinian economy

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The European Union this week issued its long-awaited guidelines to label settlement products produced in the illegal settlements Israel has built in the territory it occupied in 1967. Even before the guidelines were issued, the Israeli government blasted the move, claiming it undermined peace and discriminated against Israel.

L’étranglement de l’économie palestinienne

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L’Union Européenne a publié cette semaine ses lignes directrices attendues depuis longtemps sur l’étiquetage des produits des colonies , produits issus des colonies illégales construites par Israël dans les territoires qu’il a occupés en 1967. Même avant la publication de ces lignes directrices, le gouvernement israélien a dynamité cette décision, prétendant qu’elle représentait un danger pour la paix et une discrimination envers Israël.

Two-state solution and Middle East peace: It is past time to move to a different model

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Fifteen years ago, I moved to Palestine with the hope that the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations process will one day bring peace to the Middle East through the creation of an independent Palestine, free from the vestiges of Israeli colonial and military rule. As an adviser to the Palestinian negotiating team, I spent more than six years working to achieve a “two-state” solution. After countless negotiation sessions and scores of proposals, my optimism transformed into realism: Despite years of negotiations, I saw that the Palestinians had moved further from their quest for their rights and freedom than they had before the negotiations began.

Expert Q&A: On the Obama-Netanyahu Meeting & the Crisis in Palestine-Israel

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Al-Shabaka advisors Samah Sabawi and Tareq Baconi, and Executive Director Nadia Hijab take part in an expert roundtable Q&A on this week’s meeting between President ‪Obama‬ and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ‪‎Netanyahu‬ and the ongoing crisis in the occupied ‪‎Palestinian‬ territories and ‪‎Israel‬.

Palestinian Political Activism Could Push Toward a One-state Solution

News - Palestinian Political Activism Could Push Toward a One-state Solution

Most Israelis seemed nonchalant about the recent Knesset election, held last March. The outcome was totally expected. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was reelected and the overall political pendulum moved even further to the right. But one dynamic produced some shock and awe in the Israeli political system: For the first time ever, a political alliance of four Palestinian-dominated parties in Israel – Hadash, the United Arab List, Balad and Ta’al – joined forces in a Joint Arab List and became the third-largest faction in the 20th Knesset.

Palestinians ‘have become unreasonably reasonable’

Like “terrorism,” “incitement” is a word that works great in conflict zones because it means everything and nothing at the same time. However, its misuse as a justification to perpetrate blatant human rights violations and maintain an illegal state of affairs that contributes to conflict being fanned, not diffused.

What Americans Don’t Know About the Middle East and Why

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knows better than anyone else that if we Palestinians are permitted to engage non-violently, odds are we will expose Israel’s military occupation for what it is, a system of modern-day apartheid or worse. This is why, following his March election victory, Netanyahu assembled an extreme right-wing cabinet that would work to ensure that Palestinians were provoked to the point of turning violent.

Why Palestinians Need an International Protection Force

It will ensure that lives are placed above politics, and defend a besieged population nearing its 50th year under brutal occupation.