Palestine, International Law, and a Radically Just Future

Article - Palestine, International Law, and a Radically Just Future

In her new book, Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine, Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Noura Erakat argues that though law can be used as a tool of domination by states, it can also advance progressive causes, including Palestinian liberation. Al-Shabaka spoke with Erakat about this approach and how it can be deployed to envision a just future.

The Escalation of Israeli Collective Punishment of Palestinians

Israel has wielded collective punishment against the families of alleged Palestinian attackers since the military occupation began in 1967, but measures such as forcible transfer, home demolitions, and economic warfare have increased over the past several years. Al-Shabaka guest contributor 24498 tracks this surge and suggests possibilities for countering Israel’s expanding use of such tactics, which violate international law.

Palestine and the Israel-Saudi Arabia Alliance

Article - Palestine and the Israel-Saudi Arabia Alliance

Israel’s sale of Pegasus software to Saudi Arabia, which it used to surveille Jamal Khashoggi before his October 2018 murder, brought relations between the two states into the public eye. Al-Shabaka spoke with analyst 24428 about what the Israeli-Saudi alliance means for Saudi Arabia, Palestine, and the Palestinian struggle for rights, and what Palestinians can do to counter it.

What are the Elements of a Strategic Palestinian Narrative and Discourse?

Article - What are the Elements of a Strategic Palestinian Narrative and Discourse?

This commentary is part of Al-Shabaka’s Narrative and Discourse Policy Circle, convened in 2018, in which a team of Al-Shabaka policy analysts worked together across borders to tackle the question of whether Palestinians should have a sole, legitimate narrative and, if so, what it should be. For more from this policy circle, see Hazem Jamjoum’s “Reclaiming the […]

“The Lobby – USA”: Lessons for the Palestine Solidarity Movement

Article - “The Lobby – USA”: Lessons for the Palestine Solidarity Movement

Though Al-Jazeera never aired “The Lobby – USA,” its undercover investigation into how Israel’s government works with US organizations to advance its agenda, last month the Electronic Intifada leaked the four-part documentary. Al-Shabaka sat down with EI co-founder and Al-Shabaka analyst Ali Abunimah to discuss the film’s implications and its lessons for the Palestine solidarity movement.

Dark Money: Palestine, Mega Donors, and the 2018 Midterm Elections

مقال - المال المظلم: فلسطين، المانحون الكبار، والانتخابات النصفية 2018

The impending US mid-term elections are expected to be the most expensive in American history, with Republicans and Democrats continuing to rely on pro-Israel mega donors like Sheldon Adelson and Haim Saban. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Osamah Khalil examines these donors’ outsized influence on campaigns and policy and recommends ways for Palestinian activists and allies to counter their sway.  

Israel’s Stranglehold on Area C: Development as Resistance

Article - Israel’s Stranglehold on Area C: Development as Resistance

Five decades of occupation have severely limited Palestinian development, and nowhere is this more apparent than in Israel-controlled Area C. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst 24352 examines development as a vehicle for Palestinian steadfastness and resistance in Area C and beyond, and recommends ways Palestinians can advocate for development projects that would serve them for generations to come.

Reclaiming the Political Dimension of the Palestinian Narrative

Article - Reclaiming the Political Dimension of the Palestinian Narrative

Editor’s Note: This piece launches Al-Shabaka’s Narrative and Discourse Policy Circle, in which a team of Al-Shabaka policy analysts are working together across borders to tackle the question of whether Palestinians should have a sole, legitimate narrative and, if so, what it should be. An Al-Shabaka policy circle is a specific methodology to engage a group of analysts […]

Satellite Imagery and the Palestine-Israel Exception

مقال - صور الأقمار الصناعية والاستثناء الفلسطيني الإسرائيلي

The rules that apply to the rest of the world have long applied differently to Palestine-Israel, and this even extends to satellite imagery. Al-Shabaka US Policy Fellow 24598 examines how a US law limits such imagery’s quality, circumscribing research as well as the documentation of Israeli human rights violations, and recommends ways to correct this wrong.