Israel’s Relentless Land Grabs: How Palestinians Resist

The “Great Return March” in Gaza is the latest chapter of Palestinian sacrifice and resistance to Israel’s expropriation of land and denial of the right of return. Al-Shabaka policy fellow 24588 reviews Israel’s relentless drive for land on both sides of the Green Line and the many forms of Palestinian resistance and sets out ways to bolster that resistance.

Israel’s Annexation Crusade in Jerusalem: The Role of Ma’ale Adumim and the E1 Corridor

Buoyed by US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as its capital, Israel has intensified efforts to annex settlements and areas bordering the city, including Ma’ale Adumim and the E1 corridor. Al-Shabaka US Policy Fellow 24598 analyzes the implications of annexation and recommends ways the international community and Palestinians can work to block this disastrous outcome.

When Left is Right: How Palestinians Can Burst Israel’s Political Bubble

With Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu facing possible corruption charges, Israeli political parties are preparing to vie for the country’s leadership. But for Palestinians, Israel’s politics foreshadow a deterioration of their rights regardless of who prevails. Al-Shabaka Analyst 24369 examines the political scene and recommends ways to alter the structures that allow Israel to systematically deny Palestinian rights.

Long Overdue: Alternatives to the Paris Protocol

مقال - طال انتظاره: بدائل بروتوكول باريس

The Palestinian Authority claims it is looking for ways to delink from Israel. It should start with the Paris Protocol: It expired 19 years ago but continues to be the basis for economic relations. Al-Shabaka Analyst Nur Arafeh demonstrates how the Protocol has hurt the Palestinian economy while benefiting Israel and outlines alternative economic arrangements.

US Palestine Solidarity: Reviving Original Patterns of Political Engagement

The US Palestine solidarity movement is returning to a joint struggle approach, a strategy that faded after the Oslo Accords when dominant solidarity activists focused on Palestine as a single issue. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Loubna Qutami traces this development, assesses its benefits and challenges, and recommends ways to strengthen organizing for Palestinians in the US.

Apartheid from Within? The Palestinian Citizens of Israel

مقال - الفصل العنصري من الداخل؟ المواطنون الفلسطينيون في إسرائيل

The term apartheid is often used to refer to the situation of the Palestinians under occupation. Al-Shabaka Policy Fellow 24588 examines the application of the term to the Palestinian citizens of Israel by focusing on citizenship, land, education, and politics. She also discusses whether such analysis can advance this community’s rights and counter fragmentation among Palestinians as a whole.

Surveillance of Palestinians and the Fight for Digital Rights

New technologies have enabled Israel to surveil Palestinians on an unprecedented scale. Al-Shabaka Policy Analysts 24474 and Nadim Nashif examine Israel’s use of social media as a tool of surveillance, as well as other digital obstacles to Palestinian rights, and conclude with ways Palestinians can counter these practices and safeguard their digital freedoms.

Keeping Palestinian Women in Israel on the Economic Margins

Palestinian women in Israel have one of the world’s lowest labor participation rates, while their Jewish counterparts have one of the highest. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst 24567 argues this is not simply a result of “Palestinian culture” or “Islam,” but of Israeli state policies, and recommends ways Palestinians can promote Palestinian women’s rights in Israel.

Rethinking Our Definition of Apartheid: Not Just a Political Regime

Though apartheid is an important framework for challenging Israeli rule, Al-Shabaka Analyst Haidar Eid and Guest Contributor 24373 argue that true justice can only come by recognizing apartheid as not only a system of racial discrimination, but also of racial capitalism. Drawing on the South African example, the authors recommend ways to move the analysis forward.