Palestinian Leadership in the Time of Pandemic

Article - Palestinian Leadership in the Time of Pandemic

The response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Palestine brings back to focus central questions surrounding the resilience of Palestinian Authority leadership and the efficiency of its governance in times of crisis.

Palestine at the ICC: Prospects and Limitations

Article - Palestine at the ICC: Prospects and Limitations

While the world remains fixated on the latest developments surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Palestine’s case at the International Criminal Court presses on.

Coronavirus in Palestine: Confronting the Vulnerability of Indigenous Bodies

Article - Coronavirus in Palestine: Confronting the Vulnerability of Indigenous Bodies

The COVID-19 pandemic has reached Palestine, and in doing so has brought to the surface latent power structures that render Palestinians particularly exposed to the virus.

Palestine and U.S. Elections

Article - Palestine and U.S. Elections

The topic of Palestine is already proving to be divisive within the U.S. Democratic primaries, and it will undoubtedly remain a consistent question throughout the 2020 election season. Where do leading presidential candidates stand, and what role does civil society play in influencing shifts in political discourse and policy positions? Al-Shabaka analysts 24418 and Zaha Hassan weigh in on these questions and more in our Super Tuesday policy lab, hosted by Nur Arafeh.

Mapping Palestine: Decolonizing Spatial Practices

Article - Mapping Palestine: Decolonizing Spatial Practices

In our first policy lab of 2020, 24598 and Ahmad Barclay join host Nur Arafeh to discuss the ways in which maps and other visualization tools serve as sites to entrench power disparities as well as to empower communities to reimagine their colonized homelands.

Palestinian Elections: Essential or Harmful?

Article - Palestinian Elections: Essential or Harmful?

Palestinian general elections in the near future are looking more and more likely. But are they necessary? In our final policy lab of 2019, Inès Abdel Razek joins host Marwa Fatafta to discuss the significance of elections within the current leadership crisis, foreseen challenges to the democratic process, and potential for new political players to […]

Digital Censorship in the Palestinian Context

Article - Digital Censorship in the Palestinian Context

Palestinians are facing mounting digital censorship from all angles – from the Israeli government to the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. What are the implications of this growing trend, and what tools exist to fight back? In this policy lab, analysts 24474 and Nadim Nashif join host Nur Arafeh to discuss the threat against Palestinian digital rights and anchor it within the wider global trend of digital repression.

Gaza: Stuck in the Status Quo

Article - Gaza: Stuck in the Status Quo

For years, Palestinians have decried the devastating conditions in Gaza, only to see those conditions continue to worsen. What’s prevented real change from happening on the ground, and what ramifications has this had on Palestinians in Gaza and the broader struggle for Palestinian liberation? In this policy lab, analysts Tareq Baconi and Yasmeen El-Khoudaryjoin host Nur Arafeh  to weigh in on these questions and more.

Trump, Palestine, and the False Premise of “Economic Peace”

Article - Trump, Palestine, and the False Premise of "Economic Peace"

Trump’s efforts to bolster the Palestinian economy in lieu of concrete political action are part of a long history of initiatives designed to forfeit Palestinian rights under the guise of “economic peace.” In this policy lab, Al-Shabaka Policy Analysts Diana Buttu and Ibrahim Fraihat joins facilitator Nur Arafeh to weigh in on the threats these […]