Egypt’s Stand on Israel-Palestine Under Strain as Israel Attacks Hamas

Following days of rocket attacks into southern Israel, Israel launched a series of deadly airstrikes in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, killing Hamas military leader Ahmed Jabari amid a broader military campaign. Coming against the backdrop of warming relations between Hamas and other regional powers, the offensive is testing Israel’s relations with key U.S.

A new approach to Palestinian aid

“Is a U.S. aid cutoff such a bad thing? More voices are questioning international aid to the Palestinians living under Israeli occupation, with some even calling for a full boycott of the aid industry.”

Losing Land, and Finding a Roof

Alaa Tartir says farming can help lead Palestinians towards a more sustainable and self-sufficient economy and eventually, to food security.

Palestinian farmers fighting to survive

Al-Jazeera English in-depth report draws upon Al-Shabaka policy brief, “[Farming Palestine for Freedom](,” by Al-Shabaka Policy Advisors Samer Abdelnour and Alaa Tartir with Lebanese activist, author, and agronomist Rami Zurayk.

Romney, economic realities and one Palestinian’s story

Kristin Szremski quotes Samer Abdelnour, Board Secretary of Al-Shabaka: “In addition to funding a distorted Palestinian political system, the aid industry directly removes from Israel the burden of responsibility for the destruction of Palestinian lives, livelihood and infrastructure.”

Egypt’s Morsi begins ‘new era’ with Palestinians

Article - UN agency for Palestinian refugees faces largest 'structural crisis' in its 70-year history

To the chagrin of some Palestinians, especially in Gaza, the new [Egyptian] president has taken a more cautious stance to opening up trade with the Palestinian enclave … Nobody is certain what Mr. Morsi will do, said Nadia Hijab, the director of Al-Shabaka, a network of Palestinian policy experts. “Will Morsi and the Brothers help to lift the siege on Gaza – which makes life a misery for the Palestinians of Gaza – or have the power to do so?”

Israel Divestment Campaigns Gain Momentum in U.S.

“’In the long-running Palestinian quest for human rights, it is important not to stop at individual victories or defeats … but to track long term trends,’ said Nadia Hijab.”

The Palestinians’ Statehood Dilemma

Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Victor Kattan quoted in Time on the Palestinian Authority’s attempt to become a UN member state.