Rethinking Our Definition of Apartheid: Not Just a Political Regime

Rethinking Our Definition of Apartheid: Not Just a Political Regime

Though apartheid is an important framework for challenging Israeli rule, Al-Shabaka Analyst Haidar Eid and Guest Contributor 24373 argue that true justice can only come by recognizing apartheid as not only a system of racial discrimination, but also of racial capitalism. Drawing on the South African example, the authors recommend ways to move the analysis forward.

The “Apolitical” Approach to Palestine’s Water Crisis

The “Apolitical” Approach to Palestine’s Water Crisis

Though Palestine’s water scarcity is often portrayed as natural due to the region’s climate, it is a man-made crisis engineered by Israel. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Muna Dajani examines how international donors shore up this inequality through infrastructure projects and scientific collaboration with Israel, and suggests ways Palestinians can push for just solutions to the crisis.

The Palestinian Authority Security Forces: Whose Security?

The Palestinian Authority Security Forces: Whose Security?

As Israel’s military occupation reaches its 50th year, Al-Shabaka Program Director Alaa Tartir argues that the Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces have not protected Palestinians, but have instead contributed to the criminalization of the Palestinian struggle for freedom. Tartir analyzes the evolution and “reform” of the PA security establishment and concludes with recommendations to overhaul the PA forces.

How Israel Uses Gas to Enforce Palestinian Dependency and Promote Normalization

How Israel Uses Gas to Enforce Palestinian Dependency and Promote Normalization

The Israeli occupation does not only exist above ground. Al-Shabaka Policy Fellow Tareq Baconi examines how Israel enjoys a gas bonanza while barring the Gaza Strip from tapping its own fields. He argues that Palestinian dependency on Israeli energy amidst US calls for “economic peace” undermines Palestinian rights, and suggests ways to challenge this status quo.

Palestinians and the Syrian War: Between Neutrality and Dissent

Palestinians and the Syrian War: Between Neutrality and Dissent

The Palestinians of Syria are forced to maintain political neutrality or support the regime, given their vulnerable position. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst 24556 unpacks the roots of this predicament, identifies avenues that suggest how to move beyond it, and recommends tactics for Palestinians in Syria and elsewhere to better advocate for human rights and self-determination.

Latin America’s Turn to the Right: Implications for Palestine

Article - Latin America's Turn to the Right: Implications for Palestine

The past year has seen Latin American right-wing parties sweep elections and signal support for Israel. Al-Shabaka Policy Member 24394 assesses this shift through an examination of Latin American-Palestinian relations, Palestinian and Jewish diaspora lobbying in the region, and potential avenues for local action against Israeli efforts to push its agenda in violation of Palestinian rights.

Economic Collapse in East Jerusalem: Strategies for Recovery  

Economic Collapse in East Jerusalem: Strategies for Recovery  

Israel’s engineered economic collapse of East Jerusalem has rendered it essentially unlivable for Palestinians. Al-Shabaka Policy Fellow Nur Arafeh focuses on two of the city’s strategic assets that exemplify this collapse, tourism and the commercial markets of the Old City, and examines both existing and potential Palestinian initiatives of sumud, or steadfastness, that challenge Israeli-imposed obstacles.

The Palestinian Authority: Unsettling Status Quo Scenarios

The Palestinian Authority: Unsettling Status Quo Scenarios

Is one state the only alternative to an unrealized two-state solution? Al-Shabaka Policy Member 24378 discusses the minimal changes in governance the PA has made post-Oslo and forecasts a “status quo+,” an institutionalized system of apartheid and a no-state solution. He also foresees three states – but argues none of this would be sustainable over time.

The “S” in BDS: Lessons of the Elbit Systems Campaign

The “S” in BDS: Lessons of the Elbit Systems Campaign

Israeli military companies such as Elbit Systems appear invincible, yet Israel’s arms industry is more vulnerable than it seems. Al-Shabaka Guest Author 24471 and Policy Advisor Jamal Juma’ examine both national and global trends and identify avenues for human rights activists to pursue to hold Israel accountable under international law.