Israel-Hamas war plunges Palestinian Americans into vortex of fear and emotion

“There’s a lot of invigorated pro-Palestinian solidarity in the US, not just from the Palestinian American diaspora, but from allies across the spectrum,” said Mr Tariq Kenney-Shawa, a New York-based US Policy Fellow at a Palestinian policy think tank called Al-Shabaka.

Tareq Baconi: “Crollato il mito della sicurezza israeliana, il sostegno ad Hamas crescerà in Cisgiordania”

Il presidente di Al-Shabaka, il Palestine Policy Network: «I terroristi stessi sorpresi dal successo dell’attacco»

The Global Implications of the Conflict in Gaza and Israel

Tareq Baconi, author of the book Hamas Contained: The Rise and Pacification of Palestinian Resistance and president of the board of Al-Shabaka: the Palestinian Policy Network, provides insights into the perception of the conflict in the Middle East,

“Divide and Rule”: How Israel Helped Start Hamas to Weaken Palestinian Hopes for Statehood

“This isn’t an effort to try to quell, to destroy Hamas specifically,” says Tareq Baconi, Palestinian analyst and author of Hamas Contained: The Rise and Pacification of Palestinian Resistance.

Sammen øye for øye

USA betaler dyrt for å støtte Israel uten reservasjoner.

Guerre Israël-Hamas : à Gaza, « vivre en sachant que la mort est inéluctable »

Dans la bande de Gaza, mais aussi en Cisjordanie, les Palestiniens subissent les conséquences du conflit et réclament de ne pas être assimilés au Hamas et à ses actions que nombre d’entre eux ne cautionnent pas. Ils déplorent surtout l’indifférence de la communauté internationale qui, disent-ils, les a une nouvelle fois abandonnés.

The siege in Gaza and Israel’s end game, with Amjad Iraqi

Amjad highlights the need to reject colonial and statist frameworks in fighting for Palestinian liberation.

UN aid chief Griffiths emphasising the urgency of addressing the humanitarian situation in Gaza

Article - The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story

For in-depth analysis, Tareq Baconi is the President of Al Shabaka, an independent Palestinian think tank – and the author of the book “Hamas Contained”.

A Perspective from Palestine w/ Fathi Nimer

On this edition of Parallax Views, Fathi Nimer of Al-Shabaka, the Palestinian Policy Network, joins us from Ramallah to discuss his perspective on the events unfolding in the Middle East, Israel/Palestine, Gaza, the Hamas attack, prospects for a solution, and much, much more.