Trump’s “Deal” for Palestinians: Repercussions and Responses

Article - Trump’s “Deal” for Palestinians: Repercussions and Responses

Though US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” largely does not change conditions on the ground for Palestinians, it helps legitimize the Israeli colonial project, which continues apace despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Al-Shabaka analysts from around the globe weigh in on the repercussions of the deal where they live and offer steps to counter them. 

Understanding Netanyahu’s Political Survival

Article - Understanding Netanyahu’s Political Survival

Despite recent challenges to his rule, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to have held on to power. What factors have made this possible? Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Nijmeh Ali provides answers by mapping the Israeli right wing and its internal conflicts as well as Netanyahu’s political doctrine and practice. 

Using Trump’s “Vision” to Break Free of Past Frameworks

As Israel and the US fast-track President Donald Trump’s vision of “peace”, i.e. the illegal annexation of occupied Palestinian territory, European countries ponder ways to uphold the rule of law. In this Policy Memo Al-Shabaka’s 24588 provides ideas on how they can – with a push from the Palestine solidarity movement. 

The US Democratic Candidates on Racial Justice and Palestine: Divergence or Convergence?

مقال - المرشحون الديمقراطيون الأمريكيون حول العدالة العنصرية وفلسطين: اختلاف أم تقارب؟

Al-Shabaka’s 24418 traces the top Democratic presidential candidates’ positions on Palestine and assesses them relative to their stances on racial justice in the US, arguing that while foreign policy has rarely differentiated US presidential candidates, in this election it is a key litmus test for a candidate’s sincerity vis-à-vis their commitment to civil and human rights. 

Democracy in the West Bank and Gaza: More than Elections

مقال - الديمقراطية في الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة: أكثر من مجرد انتخابات

Last September, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas renewed his pledge to hold parliamentary elections in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. Regardless of whether the polls take place, Al-Shabaka Senior Palestine Policy Fellow 24588 argues that Palestinians must embark on a democratic process that far surpasses the proposed elections in order to achieve liberation.  

The Growing Gap between Jordan and Israel, After 25 Years of “Peace”

Article - The Growing Gap between Jordan and Israel, After 25 Years of “Peace”

Twenty-five years after signing the Wadi ‘Araba peace agreement, Jordan and Israel are experiencing particularly tense relations. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Oraib Rantawi delves into the reasons behind this turn of events, the implications for Palestinian-Jordanian relations, and what Jordan can do to reduce its dependence on Israel. 

Restructuring the Palestinian Authority: It’s Now or Never

Article - Restructuring the Palestinian Authority: It’s Now or Never

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has perhaps never been so disconnected from Palestinian society. Al-Shabaka policy analyst 24397 examines how international involvement has helped shore up this disconnect by rendering the PA progressively repressive, and suggests steps for the PA as well as Palestinian civil society to take in order to change the status quo. 

Should Palestinian Citizens of Israel Boycott the Elections?: An Al-Shabaka Debate

Article - Should Palestinian Citizens of Israel Boycott the Elections?: An Al-Shabaka Debate

Many are debating whether the re-emergence of a united Joint Arab List will result in increased Palestinian voter turnout in this month’s Knesset elections, but for those who advocate for an election boycott, the status of the Joint List is moot. In this roundtable debate, Al-Shabaka’s Nijmeh Ali and 24588 argue against and for boycotting Israeli elections, respectively.

Dangerous Bill in Congress to Crush the PLO and PA

A US bill being considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee puts at stake the ability of the Palestinian leadership to engage diplomatic and legal channels to support Palestinian national aspirations and to seek accountability through international mechanisms, as well as the future of the US-Palestinian bilateral relationship. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Zaha Hassan reports.