The US Elections, Attacks on Activists, and a Changing Discourse

مقال - الانتخابات الأمريكية والاعتداءات على الناشطين والخطاب المتغير

The ongoing shift in discourse in the United States has as yet had little effect on politics and none on policy, argues Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Rashid Khalidi. He discusses Israel’s attempts to close the floodgates of debate and activism that boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) tactics have forced open, as well as the dangerous Israel-Gulf alliance.

Donor Complicity in Israel’s Violations of Palestinian Rights

Article - Donor Complicity in Israel's Violations of Palestinian Rights

International aid must not, legally, cause harm to those it aims to assist, but as Al-Shabaka policy member Nora Lester Murad points out, a number of donor practices may be leading to the violation of human rights. Murad outlines eight questions that must be asked about aid complicity and suggests important mechanisms for oversight of an industry that has just pledged another $5.4 billion for Gaza.