Satellite Imagery and the Palestine-Israel Exception

مقال - صور الأقمار الصناعية والاستثناء الفلسطيني الإسرائيلي

The rules that apply to the rest of the world have long applied differently to Palestine-Israel, and this even extends to satellite imagery. Al-Shabaka US Policy Fellow 24598 examines how a US law limits such imagery’s quality, circumscribing research as well as the documentation of Israeli human rights violations, and recommends ways to correct this wrong.

The EU Must Fight the US Embassy Move to Jerusalem

مقال - على الاتحاد الأوروبي أن يعارض نقل السفارة الأمريكية إلى القدس

In the face of the US embassy move, Al-Shabaka Policy Fellow 24588 argues that the European Union remains one of the few spaces left to pursue Palestinian rights in the international arena. She proposes immediate steps the EU can take to uphold its commitments to Palestinians, including boycotting diplomatic meetings and functions at the new US embassy.

Abbas’s Craven Response to the US UNRWA Cuts

The US administration’s $65 million cut to UNRWA has placed the agency in jeopardy, prompting an international conference in Rome this week to help it meet its financial needs. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Randa Farah analyzes Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s response to the US move, and calls for Palestinian grassroots action in the face of the crisis.

US Palestine Solidarity: Reviving Original Patterns of Political Engagement

US Palestine Solidarity: Reviving Original Patterns of Political Engagement

The US Palestine solidarity movement is returning to a joint struggle approach, a strategy that faded after the Oslo Accords when dominant solidarity activists focused on Palestine as a single issue. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Loubna Qutami traces this development, assesses its benefits and challenges, and recommends ways to strengthen organizing for Palestinians in the US.

Imposing Peace: Trump and the Palestinians

Article - Imposing Peace: Trump and the Palestinians

What does Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital mean for Palestine and the Palestinians? In a new commentary, Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Osamah Khalil traces seven decades of US policy that laid the ground for this move.

Trump, Jerusalem, and the Future of Palestine

Article - Trump, Jerusalem, and the Future of Palestine

What does Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital mean for Palestine and the Palestinians? In a new roundtable, Al-Shabaka policy analysts weigh in and discuss ways in which Palestinians can safeguard their rights against this setback. 

After Trump’s Jerusalem H-Bomb: Weighing Options for Palestinians

Article - After Trump’s Jerusalem H-Bomb: Weighing Options for Palestinians

Israel is intent on legalizing its occupation of the Palestinian Territory and US president Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is key to its plans. Yet, as Al-Shabaka Executive Director Nadia Hijab argues, longer-term trends could undermine Israel’s designs and Palestinians must regroup and reinforce these trends so as to secure their rights.  

The Policies Kushner Should Push For

Senior Advisor to President Trump Jared Kushner’s latest attempt to restart the Israeli-Palestinian “peace process” will focus on “economic development” projects. Yet, as Al-Shabaka Analyst Zaha Hassan writes, such initiatives are not a substitute for real political change.

Obama’s Last Gasp on Palestine-Israel

مقال - أنفاس أوباما الأخيرة بشأن فلسطين وإسرائيل

Once the US elections drama concludes, some believe Barack Obama will seize a final opportunity to act on Palestine-Israel. In this roundtable, Al-Shabaka policy analysts debate the probability of such a step, what form it could take, possible pitfalls, and what Palestinians should be doing to further their quest for freedom, equality, and self-determination.