Noura Erakat

Al-Shabaka Nour Joudah

Noura Erakat is an assistant professor at George Mason University where she teaches in the legal studies, international studies, and human rights/social justice studies concentrations. An attorney and human rights advocate, she previously served as Legal Counsel for a Congressional Subcommittee in the House of Representatives and as an advisor on Middle East affairs for Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Noura comments regularly on US foreign policy and international law matters. She has appeared on Al Jazeera International, NBC’s “Politically Incorrect,” and Fox’s “The O’Reilly Factor.” Her writings have appeared in The Huffington Post, Berkeley Law School’s Journal for Middle East and Islamic Law, Counterpunch, Al-Majdal, and the Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP).

Nur Arafeh

Al-Shabaka Nur Arafeh

Nur Arafeh is a Fellow at the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center, in Washington DC, where her work focuses on the political economy of the MENA region, business-state relations, peacebuilding strategies, the development-security nexus and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. She previously served as Al-Shabaka’s Palestine Policy Fellow between 2015 and 2017, worked as an Associate Researcher at the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS), and as a Visiting Lecturer of Economics at Al-Quds Bard College. Nur has also consulted for several Palestinian and international organizations, on issues related to development policies, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and socio-economic policy analysis. Her commentaries have appeared in English, Arabic and French in The GuardianLe Monde DiplomatiqueAl-Jazeera, and Al-Akhbar, among other outlets. Nur holds a doctorate in International Development as a Rhodes Scholar from the University of Oxford, a Master’s in Development Studies from the University of Cambridge, and a dual-BA degree in Political Science and Economics from Sciences Po Paris and Columbia University.”

Najwa al-Qattan

Al-Shabaka Najwa al-Qattan

Najwa al-Qattan is associate professor of history at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.  She is a graduate of the American University of Beirut, Georgetown and Harvard Universities.  She has published on the Ottoman Muslim court, Jews and Christians in the Ottoman Empire, and the Great War.

Nidal Sliman

Al-Shabaka Nidal Sliman

Al-Shabaka Policy Member Nidal Sliman has more than 15 years of experience in international law, human rights, and international trade and development. He received his LL.B and LL.M degrees in law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1996 and 1999, and completed a PhD in law summa cum laude from Notre Dame University in 2008. He worked as a legal advisor at the Negotiations Support Unit and advised UNESCO and the Palestinian Authority on legislative reforms to protect Palestinian cultural heritage. He is the Policy Reform Team Leader on the Palestinian Investment Climate Improvement Project focusing on business-enabling environment and trade reforms.

Nadine Naber

Al-Shabaka Nadine Naber

Al-Shabaka policy member Nadine Naber is Associate Professor in the Gender and Women’s Studies Program and the Global Asian Studies Program, and the founding faculty director of the Arab American Cultural Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Nadine is author of Arab America: Gender, Cultural Politics, and Activism (NYU Press, 2012). She is co-editor of the books Race and Arab Americans (Syracuse University Press, 2008); Arab and Arab American Feminisms, winner of the Arab American Book Award 2012 (Syracuse University Press, 2010); and The Color of Violence (South End Press, 2006). She has worked with groups like the Rasmea Odeh Defense Team, USACBI, AROC, and INCITE! Women of Color against Violence. She is currently an editorial board member of the Journal of Palestine Studies; the Critical Ethnic Studies Journal, and series within the University of Nebraska and the University of Washington Press. For more information, see:

Nadia Barhoum

Al-Shabaka Nadia Barhoum

Al-Shabaka Policy Member Nadia Barhoum is a research associate at UC Berkeley where she works on issues of political ecology and climate adaptability, data visualization, structural inequality, and spatial politics within marginalized communities. She previously worked as the coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa Division at Human Rights Watch and as an Advocacy Officer with a local NGO in East Jerusalem. She completed her BA in Political Economy at UC Berkeley and her MA in Research Architecture from Goldsmiths College at the University of London. Nadia has been active in youth organizing within transnational Palestinian communities and is a member of the Palestinian Youth Movement.

Moien Odeh

Al-Shabaka Moien Odeh

Moien Oded is an international human rights lawyer, a research and teaching assistant, and PhD student at George Mason University, Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution. While living in Jerusalem, Moien represented Palestinians in leading public interest cases in Israeli courts. His resume includes: Political and IHL advisor for diplomatic missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah; founder and manager of the legal clinic in East Jerusalem neighborhoods behind the Wall;  US State Department “young leader” and participant in the State Department’s “Leaders for Democracy Fellowship” on theme of conflict resolution; fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; fellow, University of Virginia Center for Politics and Global Perspectives on Democracy; member, Al Shabaka, Palestinian Policy Network; member, European Academy of Diplomacy; “young legal leaders” of the International Bar Association;  LLB,  BA(Accounting), Hebrew University;  LL.M from University of Pittsburgh; commentator and author Middle Eastern media (Al-Jazeera; Al Quds Newspaper; JURIST Legal News and Research) and US media.

Mona N. Younis

Al-Shabaka Mona N. Younis

Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Mona N. Younis is an independent strategic planning and organizational development consultant who specializes in human rights. She has extensive experience in research, teaching, philanthropy and non-profit organizations. Mona co-founded the Fund for Global Human Rights (Washington, DC) and the Arab Human Rights Fund (Beirut, Lebanon). She has published on social movements, community development, philanthropy and human rights, and is the author of Liberation and Democratization: The South African and Palestinian National Movements (University of Minnesota Press, 2000).

May Seikaly

Al-Shabaka May Seikaly

May Seikaly is Associate Professor of History at Wayne State University in the Department of Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures (Near Eastern Studies). Her work has focused on the social history of Arab society, specifically Palestinian and Arabian Gulf societies.  May Seikaly has been involved in the collection and archiving of Palestinian memory through the use of Oral documentation for recording, archiving and historicizing oral collections, including her book Haifa: Transformation of an Arab society 1918-1939.  She is currently working on a study of Gulf Social History through the eyes of its women, and in essence again utilizing oral history as a major tool.