Challenging Anti-Boycott Legislation in the US

Anti-boycott legislation in the US

The Israeli regime’s defenders across the US are ramping up efforts to criminalize the constitutionally protected right to boycott. Beyond violating the rights of Palestine solidarity activists, this threatens to undermine the tenets of a healthy democracy. Al-Shabaka’s US Policy Fellow, Tariq Kenney-Shawa, examines this development and suggests what lawmakers, civil society organizations, and concerned citizens should do to challenge it. 

Defending Palestine Solidarity Activism in Europe

Article - Defending Palestine Solidarity Activism in Europe

The governments of France, Spain, and Germany have ramped up efforts to repress Palestine solidarity activism. Palestinians and their allies in these countries are facing more legal measures to criminalize their rights to boycott and critique the Israeli regime than ever before. How does each context differ? What is at stake for Palestinians and their […]

Andrew Kadi

Al-Shabaka Andrew Kadi

Al-Shabaka Policy Member Andrew Kadi is a human rights activist and occasional contributor to the Guardian’s Comment is Free, The Electronic Intifada, MondoWeiss, Left Turn, and other publications.

Shifting Growing Palestine Support into US Policy

Article - Shifting Growing Palestine Support into US Policy

Join Al-Shabaka’s policy analyst and board member, Zaha Hassan, and US Policy Fellow, Tariq Kenney-Shawa, for a discussion with host 24503 about bridging the divide between US public discourse and policy on Palestine.

Environmental Normalization in Palestine with Inès Abdel Razek

Podcast - Environmental Normalization in Palestine with Inès Abdel Razek

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Inès Abdel Razek 0:00 These projects are not new. The people-to-people projects have been actively promoted and millions have been poured into them after the Oslo Agreements, but it has shown that it has not worked because we’re here today and Israel has only […]

Criminalizing Palestine Solidarity Activism in the UK

Criminalizing Palestine Solidarity Activism in the UK

A new wave of repressive UK government policies aims to suppress protest and political expression, posing a direct threat to Palestine solidarity work. Al-Shabaka’s senior policy analyst, 24588, locates this latest crackdown within Britain’s enduring support for Zionism, and shows how only in broad, intersectional alliances can social justice activists effectively repel state-led repression.

Tourism in Service of Israeli Settler Colonialism with Halah Ahmad

Podcast - Tourism in Service of Israeli Settler Colonialism with Halah Ahmad

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Halah Ahmad 00:00 Up to 4 million tourists come each year to historic Palestine, and most of them visit Jerusalem and the dead sea. There’s a clear connection here between both not only the displacement and the illegal land theft, that predicates tourism at […]

Restricting US Military Aid to Israel in the Age of Normalization

Restricting US Military Aid to Israel in the Age of Normalization

With the rise in global solidarity with Palestinians since the May 2021 Unity Intifada, United States policymakers and activists are calling for conditioning and halting US military aid to Israel. Al-Shabaka’s US policy fellow, 24507, examines this shifting tide and offers recommendations for how policymakers, lobbyists, and the international community can seize on this historic moment in the defense of Palestinian rights.

US Military Aid to Israel with Nadya Tannous

Podcast - US Military Aid to Israel with Nadya Tannous

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Nadya Tannous 00:00 Most lawmakers will never hold Israel’s military actions to the same standard or rubric that they will continue to hold other countries in the region accountable to. So there’s the much less political will I should say to condition military aid […]