The Rise and Pacification of Palestinian Resistance: A Conversation with Dr. Tareq Baconi

Palestinian Perspectives on Escalating Iran-Israel Relations

While simultaneously carrying out its ongoing genocide in Gaza, the Israeli regime attacked the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria, on April 1, 2024, killing seven Iranian officials. According to Iran, Israeli forces were intending to target a meeting between Iranian officials and Palestinian militants discussing resistance strategies in Gaza. Following the bombing, Iran promised to […]

The Gaza Genocide in Western Media: Culprits of Complicity

This commentary is based on a presentation delivered by Al-Shabaka Co-Director Yara Hawari at the 2024 Annual Palestine Forum, hosted by the Institute for Palestine Studies and the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies in Doha, Qatar, in February, 2024.  Introduction Since the beginning of the genocide in Gaza, Israeli regime bombardments and forces […]

Israel’s Disinformation Apparatus: A Key Weapon in its Arsenal

Article - Israel’s Disinformation Apparatus: A Key Weapon in its Arsenal

Introduction During campaigns of genocide and ethnic cleansing, disinformation is a potent weapon—a tool to dehumanize victims, justify mass violence, and most importantly, sow seeds of doubt designed to muzzle calls for intervention. When information is weaponized, confusion and doubt no longer emerge from the “fog of war” as a symptom, but are purposefully cultivated […]

Settler Colonial Spillover in the West Bank with Fathi Nimer

Settler Colonial Spillover in the West Bank with Fathi Nimer

Fathi Nimer 0:00 The plans for the West Bank can’t be seen in separation from the plans of the Gaza Strip. Even from the beginning of the war, people were talking about pushing the Palestinians of Gaza out into Sinai and re establishing settlements again. This is not different at all from what’s happening in […]

For Palestine – American University of Beirut

The West Bank: Settler Colonial Spillover of the Gaza Genocide

Article - The West Bank: Settler Colonial Spillover of the Gaza Genocide

Since the assault on Gaza began in October, 2023, tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed and nearly two million displaced. While the world deliberates on the technicalities of genocide, Israeli colonization of the West Bank and disruption to Palestinian life there has only accelerated.

In this roundtable, Fathi Nimer, Abdaljawad Omar, Basil Farraj, and Samia Botmeh discuss the situation in the West Bank since October 7th 2023. Parallel to the Israeli regime’s genocide campaign on Gaza, the authors delve into the false dichotomy between settler and state, the passivity of the Palestinian Authority (PA), the individual and collective imprisonment of Palestinians, and the dire state of the West Bank economy.

Abdaljawad Omar

Al-Shabaka Abdaljawad Omar

Abdaljawad Omar is a writer and lecturer based in Ramallah, Palestine. He is currently teaching in the Philosophy and Cultural Studies Department at Birzeit University.

Yasser Salah

Al-Shabaka Yasser Salah

Al-Shabaka Member Yasser Salah is a lawyer and researcher with a master’s degree in democracy and human rights from Birzeit University. He has been a lawyer since 2004 as well as a legal consultant to Palestinian human rights organizations. Salah has worked with the Independent Commission for Human Rights since 2009. He served at the Palestinian Central Elections Commission, and took part with the Carter Center in monitoring Tunisian elections in 2011 and the Egyptian presidential elections in 2012. Salah is a trainer in the field of human rights, public freedoms and legislation.