Unfreezing the Right of Return: First Stop, Gaza

Article - Unfreezing the Right of Return: First Stop, Gaza

For decades, Palestinian victims of Israel’s forced displacement policies in the Gaza Strip have been seeking redress. Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Munir Nuseibah argues that the authorities in Gaza, Ramallah and Egypt have a legal obligation to immediately facilitate the return of those who want to do so, without in any way letting Israel off the hook. He describes how it can be done, and addresses the political and practical pitfalls.

Reclaiming the Palestinian Narrative

المقال - استعادة الرواية الفلسطينية

Will the Palestinians be written out of history? There is a serious danger that this may happen, writes Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Jamil Hilal, who identifies five major misrepresentations of Palestinian history, geography and identity in the dominant discourse. He also discusses how Palestinians and their supporters must take hold of the way their story is told and reclaim their narrative.

Will the New Palestinians End Security Coordination?

Article - Will the New Palestinians End Security Coordination?

Most Palestinians saw Hamas’ steadfastness and ability to hit back during Israel’s November attack as a victory. But will they put it to good use, asks Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Haidar Eid, by ending Palestinian security cooperation with Israel – an opportunity missed after Israel’s 2008-09 operation? He argues that no real reconciliation amongst Palestinian factions is possible in the shadow of such collaboration.

Reframing Palestinian Return: A New Al-Shabaka Policy Circle

Article - Reframing Palestinian Return: A New Al-Shabaka Policy Circle

The Mahmoud Abbas who heads to the United Nations for non-member state status expressed willingness to give up his right of return. Not so the other Palestinian millions. Instead, as Al-Shabaka Policy Members Ahmad Barclay and Dena Qaddumi argue, the region’s upsurge in grassroots political movements offers an opening to view Palestinian return through the lens of decolonization and to go beyond the zero-sum logic of competing ethnic nationalisms. They will be launching Al-Shabaka’s first Policy Circle to develop this approach.

Gaza Fallout Weakens Israel, Strengthens Nationalists

مقال - تداعيات غزة تضعف إسرائيل وتقوي القوميين

By pursuing military victory at any cost in the short term, Israel sets itself up for political failure in the longer-term, argues Al-Shabaka Director Nadia Hijab. In this compelling analysis, she discusses how Israel’s operation in Gaza has further eroded the political gains it secured from the Camp David and Oslo accords and has boxed in the Fatah-led Palestine Liberation Organization, among other repercussions for Israel’s ability to impose its will on the region.

Palestinians Imposing Agenda on Abbas

المقال - الفلسطينيون يفرضون الأجندة على عباس

As Mahmoud Abbas heads to the United Nations to secure non-member state status for Palestine, he faces a strong and growing movement among Palestinian civil society activists within and outside the occupied Palestinian territory to reframe the Palestinian struggle as fighting against an apartheid Israeli regime and for inalienable Palestinian rights – and not for a state per se. Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Leila Farsakh discusses Abbas’ attempts to placate this movement while retaining control of his political program.

Persistent Failure: World Bank Policies for the Occupied Palestinian Territories

مقال - الفشل المستمر: سياسات البنك الدولي تجاه الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة

The recent World Bank growth report frankly concludes that the Palestinian economy is fragile and dependent on foreign aid: No surprises there. Far more surprising – not to say shocking – are the Bank’s irrelevant and sometimes harmful recommendations, as Al-Shabaka Program Director Alaa Tartir and Guest Author Jeremy Wildeman reveal in this compelling analysis. The Bank’s prescriptions are all the more worrying given the influence it exercises over the donor community’s approach to Palestinian development.

Modest but Powerful Activism for Palestinian-Origin Jordanian Rights

Article - Modest but Powerful Activism for Palestinian-Origin Jordanian Rights

Palestinian-origin Jordanians are a large and increasingly marginalized community in Jordan, whose rights to education, nationality, and political participation have been eroded. Oraib Rantawi and Oroub el-Abed discuss initiatives by Palestinian-origin Jordanians for equal rights – and responsibilities – in the Kingdom, as part of a growing movement for citizens’ rights energized by the Arab uprisings.

What’s Really Going On at Rafah?

Article - What’s Really Going On at Rafah?

Egypt now has a government more sympathetic to Hamas, the de facto government in the Gaza Strip. But Egyptian policy towards the Rafah Crossing still largely follows the parameters established by Israel for Palestinian passage — and even when the Crossing is “open” thousands of Palestinians are not allowed through. Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Laila El-Haddad provides a concise overview of how the Crossing has been managed and its impact on the Palestinian residents of Gaza.