2018 marks 70 years since the Nakba and Israel’s dispossession of the Palestinian people and violation of their rights. Yet, an end to their oppression and displacement remains out of reach. Indeed the discourse about what constitutes Palestine and the Palestinian people has been steadily circumscribed during this period, and the focus on the ephemeral two-state solution has excluded the majority of Palestinians from the quest for a just peace. Nadia Hijab, Executive Director of Al-Shabaka, with Zena Agha and Yara Hawari, Policy Fellows of Al Shabaka, discuss how reframing the narrative on Palestine could help further the Palestinian struggle for freedom.
Featured Speaker
Nadia Hijab is co-founder and honorary president of Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network. She served as Board President from 2010-2021 and as Executive Director between...
Tuesday, Apr 10, 2018