Critique as movement building: The apartheid reports on Palestine

Article - Critique as movement building: The apartheid reports on Palestine

One must begin with what most Palestinians consider to be incontrovertible truths. Zionism is a settler-colonial movement intent on, at best, our erasure, and at worst, elimination.

Israel’s archaeological war on Palestinian cultural heritage

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

A new report details how Israel deliberately targeted archaeological sites in Gaza in an effort to erase Palestine’s cultural heritage, destroying evidence of Palestinians’ historical connection to the land and denying their indigeneity.

The farce of Israeli peace-making

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

Israel, a serial invader, cannot be a force for peace between Russia and Ukraine, and the prospect of holding talks in occupied Jerusalem is an insult to the Palestinians under fire.

Congress’s ‘Israel Normalization Act’ normalizes ethnic cleansing and impunity

Article - Disrupting the business as usual of unbridled US military support for Israel

In the age of a new cycle of Israel’s Normalization, we must expose Israel’s propaganda that aims to provide cover for the large scale violence and human rights abuses against the Palestinian people.

A racist Israeli law just got even more racist

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

The story of the Citizenship Law is very much a story of Israel’s growing confidence in asserting its racist ambitions.

How the Russia-Ukraine war exposed European hypocrisy over Palestine

It’s astonishing to witness the swift European response, the ability to mobilise quickly, and the celebration of resistance when it is ‘white, blond and blue-eyed’

How Palestine’s climate apartheid is being depoliticised

Article - After the nightmare of the Gaza massacre, what comes next?

International donor-led schemes promote peacebuilding and collaboration rather than pushing Israel to end its occupation

Dismantle What? Amnesty’s Conflicted Messaging on Israeli Apartheid

Article - Dismantle What? Amnesty's Conflicted Messaging on Israeli Apartheid

The call to implement “reforms” is at odds with Amnesty’s recommendation to dismantle Israel’s apartheid system. At the same time, the acceptance of Israel’s “Jewish immigration” policy is an acceptance of Zionist ideology itself, which is the foundation of Israeli apartheid.

Amnesty Is Right: Israel Is an Apartheid State

Article - Amnesty Is Right: Israel Is an Apartheid State

Today, Amnesty International becomes the third major human rights organisation to describe Israel as an apartheid state – a sign that international sentiment is turning against its oppression of Palestinians.v