Reflections on Palestinian Strategy

Article - Reflections on Palestinian Strategy

The reason Palestinians face a bleak political situation is due in large part to the absence of strategic thinking, argues Al-Shabaka Policy Member Amal Ahmad. She reflects on the need for strategies that confront Israel’s ultimate vision and directly target the weak points in its armor to avoid ineffective efforts or unwanted results.

Palestine-Israel: Europe Drowning in America’s Failures

Article - Palestine-Israel: Europe Drowning in America's Failures

On January 18 the European Union Foreign Affairs Council may decide additional measures against Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise. Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Sam Bahour and Guest Author 24493 urge the EU to bypass the US and take the lead in bringing about a just resolution to the conflict, saving themselves money and ending a key source of regional instability.

Palestinian Youth Revolt: Any Role for Political Parties?

مقال - ثورة الشباب الفلسطيني: أي دور للأحزاب السياسية؟

Palestinian parties remain entrenched in the political system despite their splits and weaknesses. What role can they play within – or outside – the PLO and what other avenues exist for national or local leadership? While some Al-Shabaka policy analysts offer ideas beyond the current political set-up, others suggest ways to make the current structure work.

The Palestine State Project in Question

مقال - مشروع الدولة الفلسطينية قيد البحث

Mahmoud Abbas raised the Palestine flag at the UN just as a Palestinian revolt against Israel’s decades-long denial of rights spread from Jerusalem to the rest of the occupied territory and Israel itself. Al-Shabaka Executive Director Nadia Hijab examines the already serious limits state and civil society face in making the Palestine State project a reality.

Read Their Lips: Israeli Leaders’ Plans for the Palestinians

مقال - اقرأ شفاههم: خطط القادة الإسرائيليين للفلسطينيين

History in the Holy Land seems stuck in a loop. In 2000, former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, at the time leader of the opposition, visited the al-Aqsa compound in a deliberate provocation that triggered the second Intifada. Israel launched operation “Defensive Shield” to crush the protests and eliminate the Palestinian resistance. As a result, more than 3,000 Palestinians and almost 1,000 Israelis lost their lives between 2000 and 2004, and the peace process was forever derailed.

Pope Francis, American Churches, and Palestinian Rights

Article - Pope Francis, American Churches, and Palestinian Rights

Pope Francis has attracted attention for his support of causes the establishment ignores, including the rights of the Palestinian people. And yet the US Catholic Church lags behind other American churches. Al-Shabaka’s Grace Said and 24445 take advantage of the Pope’s US trip to challenge his church to go further.

US-Palestine Relations After the Iran Deal

مقال - العلاقات الأمريكية الفلسطينية بعد الاتفاق الإيراني

How will US-Palestinian relations – such as they are – be affected by the nuclear agreement between leading world powers and Iran In brief:

Mouin Rabbani: Washington is likely to compensate Israel for the Iran agreement in Palestinian coin. Diana Buttu: There is a belief among many Palestinian political leaders, largely unfounded, that this agreement will lead to a resumption of some political process. Ali Abunimah: The impact it has already had is that President Obama has deepened US involvement in and support for Israeli crimes as a form of compensation to Israel and its lobby.

EU Alarmed by Israel, Frustrated by Palestine

مقال - الاتحاد الأوروبي منزعج من إسرائيل ومحبط من فلسطين

European Union actions to put a cost to Israel’s occupation are modest, but they are putting the EU on an unstoppable collision course with Israel, writes Al-Shabaka Executive Director Nadia Hijab. But will Palestine put its house in order in a coherent strategy to fulfill Palestinian rights to freedom and justice?

Palestine’s Day in Court? The Unexpected Effects of ICC Action

Palestine’s membership of the International Criminal Court takes effect on April 1, 2015. What cases might the Court choose? Will Israel’s legal offensive succeed? Will the UN Security Council suspend the investigation? Al-Shabaka analyst Valentina Azarova addresses many of the misconceptions about what the ICC can and cannot do, and Palestinians should do. Read the policy brief or the executive summary.