Analysis: Israel set for ‘dangerous, right-wing’ coalition gov’t

Gantz’s U-turn left followers disappointed after he agreed to a unity government with Netanyahu.

From Rikers Island to Palestine

Al-Shabaka analyst Randa Wahbe joins Jewish Voice for Peace for an online rally to free prisoners, from Rikers Island to Palestine.

Row in Gaza over arrests for Zoom chat with Israelis

A fierce dispute has divided the Palestinian community after Gaza’s rulers, Hamas, arrested six local activists for chatting by video conference with left-leaning campaigners in Israel.

« C’est de l’enfumage ! » : Israël célèbre ses médecins palestiniens mais néglige les zones arabes face au coronavirus

En pleine épidémie de COVID-19, les hôpitaux israéliens sont décrits comme un modèle de coexistence entre citoyens juifs et palestiniens d’Israël. Mais ces derniers dénoncent un récit édulcoré, pointant de graves discriminations dans l’accès aux soins

COVID-19, Government Responses & Human Rights Defenders

In this episode, Front Line Defenders speaks to Al-Shabaka’s Senior Policy Fellow Yara Hawari from Palestine about the consequences of the pandemic for a population under military occupation.

Israeli demolitions and police raids on Palestinian towns ‘threaten public health’ as coronavirus cases soar

Article - In East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah we see the essence of the Palestinian struggle

Israel has enforced some of the strictest measures to stem the spread of Covid-19 – but how can Palestinians and Arab citizens stick to quarantine rules when their houses are being demolished and they are homeless?

‘A hotbed for fake news’: How Palestinians are fighting coronavirus misinformation

World Bank logo

What does the battle against a coronavirus ‘infodemic’ look like in an occupied population that distrusts its ruling authorities?

Israel elections: amid polling fatigue, can Arab list make gains in third vote?

With no other parties courting the Arab and Palestinian citizens of Israel who make up 20 per cent of the electorate, the Joint List is looking to capitalise in latest run-off

Trump’s ‘Steal of the Century’, Putin’s bloodbath in Idlib, and Lebanon’s ‘feminist’ cabinet

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

More than half of the Palestinian people live in exile, and it should be fully within their right to return home, Al-Shabaka’s Yara Hawari tells The New Arab Voice podcast. But that right has been consistently denied by administrations since Israel’s establishment in 1948.