Palestinian activists seek climate justice under occupation

Article - Palestinians preparing for their day in court against Israel

“Despite the effects of climate change being broadly similar across the region, the Palestinians are more vulnerable, and this is directly to do with the political situation,” warns Zena Agha.

For Palestinians, Trump’s is not a peace plan – it is a green light to permanent occupation

Article - In East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah we see the essence of the Palestinian struggle

Recent leaks point to an agreement which the Palestinians – if they have any interest in having a proper functioning sovereign state – cannot accept.

“What is a State without the People?”: Statehood Obsession and Denial of Rights in Palestine

Article - “What is a State without the People?”: Statehood Obsession and Denial of Rights in Palestine

The Palestinian political leadership’s obsession with the idea of statehood as a means to realise self-determination and freedom has proved to be detrimental to the struggle of decolonising Palestine. By prioritising “statehood under colonialism” instead of focusing on decolonising Palestine first and then engaging in state formation, the Palestinian leadership – under pressure from regional and international actors – disempowered the people and empowered security structures which ultimately serve the colonial condition.

Are Palestinian elections on the horizon?

Analysts caution of a ‘bumpy’ road ahead amid signs that national polls could be held next year.

With the Peace Process Dead, What Options Are Open for the Palestinians to Create a State?

Article - Revitalizing Palestinian Nationalism

The only option for Palestinians to create a sovereign state—or to secure equal rights and justice in a single state of Palestine-Israel—is to build up their sources of power.

EU stance in focus after US decision on Israeli settlements

The European role couldn’t be more vital given the Trump administration’s shredding of international law.

Social media solidarity for wounded Palestinian journalist

Journalist Muath Amarneh was hit in the eye, apparently with a rubber bullet fired by Israeli forces last week.

Distract, deflect, disinform: Israeli politics in spin cycle

How Israeli politicians are demonising Palestinians and using Gaza to score points.

Palestinian anger at US decision over West Bank settlements

Article - What Now For the Palestinians?

Al-Shabaka Board President Nadia Hijab speaks with BBC World and says that the Trump administration’s policy shift on Israeli settlements puts European countries on the spot to come out with a more forceful position on the occupied Palestinian territories.