Palestinians have a right to demand freedom from torture

As Israel continues to torture prisoners with impunity, Palestinian calls for humane treatment fall on deaf ears.

Why Israel’s Election Changes Nothing and Everything for Palestinians

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There are many moments in Israeli-Palestinian history where landmark developments seem to change nothing and everything at the same time. Israel’s September election is one of them.

Backing Benny Gantz Won’t Help Palestinians

Arab voters are simply used as pawns in Israeli politics. The Joint List’s leaders are naive to think any Israeli prime minister will ever address their concerns.

Likud vs Likud: How Revisionist Zionism conquered Israeli politics

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Israel’s elections have been billed as a clash of the titans between Netanyahu and Gantz. But no matter who wins, the real victory goes to Vladimir Jabotinsky, the grandfather of the Likud.

Ousting Netanyahu isn’t enough for Israel’s Palestinians. They want equality

Article - Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would destroy Palestine’s hopes of justice

While politicians attempt to form a new government, the wider issues that really matter to Palestinians are being ignored

Israa Gharib’s murder has nothing to do with honour

Israa, like many others before her, was killed because the men in her life believed they owned her and her body.

Trump’s Middle East Communications Theater

Article - Trump’s Middle East Communications Theater

For someone who prides himself on being able to create a “business plan for the region,” Kushner is looking more like an undergraduate student in Business 101 class than someone seriously assembling a plan that can advance peace.

Do not punish Palestinian refugees for UNRWA dysfunction

Recently revealed abuses by top UNRWA management should not be politicised and used as an excuse to defund the agency.

Israel is no exception: Apartheid has to go

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

A UN Security Council resolution rejecting South Africa’s 1983 constitution shows that there is precedent and necessity to act against Israel’s Nation-State Law.