Protests in Ramallah Challenge Abbas over Gaza

Yara Hawari, Al-Shabaka’s Palestine Policy Fellow, tells The Real News Network that the Palestinian Authority is resorting to violence against its own people because it has lost its legitimacy, as it collaborates with the Israeli siege on Gaza.

The two-state solution is dead. Palestine needs a new UN mandate

Article - Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would destroy Palestine’s hopes of justice

“A UN mandate would provide protection not just for Palestinians, but for all those living within and beyond the occupied territories.”

What’s next for Trump and the Palestinian Authority?

The relationship between the US president and the PA has been nothing less than a roller coaster ride, analysts say.

The Arabic-Speaker Who Might One Day Lead Israel

Article - The Arabic-Speaker Who Might One Day Lead Israel

As Netanyahu grapples with corruption investigations, Minister of Finance Moshe Kahlon has fortified his power base by lowering prices for cell service and building homes.

Israel’s ‘creeping annexation’ of West Bank continues

Palestinians discuss their options as Israel codifies its annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories.

Trump Provokes Abbas to Anger

Mahmoud Abbas, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), president of the State of Palestine and the Palestinian Authority (PA), and chairman of Fatah, the largest Palestinian political faction, is outraged, incensed, disgusted and offended, all at the same time.

Will Japan be the New Broker of Peace in the Middle East?

Article - Palestinians banned from working in illegal Israeli settlements

“Japan’s move to recognize Palestinian statehood is in line with its regional neighbors, most of whom also recognize Palestinian statehood. However, we could also understand it as an attempt to break free from the US’ domination of the peace process,” added Dr Hawari.

Fatah official booted from Palestinian mourning tent

A senior member of Fatah, the party ruling the occupied West Bank, has been expelled from the mourning tent for a Palestinian slain by Israeli forces.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh blacklisted as ‘terrorist’ by US

State Department says Haniyeh has been ‘involved in terrorist attacks’ on Israeli citizens and is a ‘proponent of armed struggle… against civilians’