When Palestinians tell the world what is happening to them, why are they met with disbelief?

Article - The Palestinian Authority’s crackdown on protest shows it will never serve its own people

The Palestinian viewpoint is credible and vital as Israel continues to unleash carnage on Gaza

The West Bank Is the Unseen Second Front of Israel’s War on Gaza

Article - The Fight Against Vaccine Apartheid Goes Global

Emboldened by the world’s silence, Israeli settlers are working hand in hand with the military to terrorize Palestinians throughout the West Bank.

Gaza’s Genocide: The shattering of mainstream myths about Israel, Arabs & the West

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

Operation Al-Aqsa Flood & Israel’s genocide in Gaza since, have challenged mainstream narratives from the Israeli military’s supposed invincibility, to the West’s role as a ‘bastion’ of human rights, argues Tariq Dana.

International Pressure Is the Only Way to Halt Israel’s Devastation of Gaza

Article - International Pressure Is the Only Way to Halt Israel’s Devastation of Gaza

Tariq Kenney-Shawa of Al-Shabaka warns Palestinians are being deemed “subhuman” by Israel and the U.S.

The world would rather show solidarity with our corpses than honor our resistance

Article - Disrupting the business as usual of unbridled US military support for Israel

It’s easy to show solidarity with powerless victims who endure their suffering with stoicism. But Palestinians chose to break free of their cage, even if it shattered the image of perfect victimhood.

After the Flood

Article - 'Get out of there now’

That bubble has now burst. But the Palestinians are now the objects of the wrath of an Israeli government prepared to destroy Gaza and, if possible, expel its population.

What the War Means for Palestinians Inside Israel

Article - Where the Palestinian Political Project Goes from Here

A fifth of Israel’s citizens are Palestinian. How will the current conflict shape their political and cultural identity?

The View From My Window in Palestine

Article - Censorship of Palestinians So Normal, Even Antiracists Don’t See It

We moved to Palestine in 2004 so that our three daughters could grow up as comfortable and competent in their father’s Palestinian village as they already were in American suburbia.

Israel’s evacuation order is nothing but cover for ethnic cleansing

Article - The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story

The order provides cover for the Israeli government to commit mass atrocities, steal land, and continue the Nakba that started in 1948.