Bulldozing history: How Israel uses archaeology to entrench occupation

Heritage destruction is but one of the many mechanisms in which Israel maintains domination over the Palestinians

Israel is not a ‘place of refuge’

In early February, Israel started handing out deportation notices to some 20,000 asylum seekers, most of them from Eritrea and Sudan. More than 35,000 are expected to be deported or jailed indefinitely in the upcoming months.


Mike Pence Just Confirmed America’s Exit From the Mideast Peace Process

News - Palestinian Political Activism Could Push Toward a One-state Solution

When Pence says: ‘We stand with Israel. Your cause is our cause, your fight is our fight’, it’s clear America is only interested in offering Israel blind political support and abandoning the Palestinians. Real peace must now mean circumventing the U.S. administration.

Why cutting US aid to the Palestinian Authority is not a bad idea

If the US cuts aid to Palestine, then it may force the Palestinians to have the political courage to stand up for what’s right.

What would happen if Trump cuts UNRWA funding?

A total US funding cut would mean a serious reduction in services and the complete halt of many of the education and health programmes.

International aid to Palestine: Time to change course

Aid dependency has stripped the Palestinian people of power to resist colonialism, apartheid and oppression. It’s time to lay failed Oslo aid model to rest.

A Century of Settler Colonialism in Palestine: Zionism’s Entangled Project

Article - A Century of Settler Colonialism in Palestine: Zionism's Entangled Project

Throughout the past century, the Zionist movement constructed the most sophisticated settler-colonial project of our age: the State of Israel.

A White Christmas in Palestine

Each year the land that gave birth to Christianity is covered in tear gas instead of snow.

McCollum’s bill on Palestinian children’s rights: Now is the time to act

Now, more than ever, it is urgent for Congress to pass Betty McCollum’s proposed bill, which would prevent the use of US tax dollars for the Israeli military’s detention and mistreatment of Palestinian children.