How to grasp the full impact of the settlement on the Palestinian quest for self-determination

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Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories loom large in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They are not only a major obstacle to securing a lasting peace but also a grave violation of international law. To grasp the full impact of the settlements on the Palestinian quest for self-determination, both the economic and the political impact should be addressed.


The spectacle of Palestine

For a change, rather than be seen as a photo op, Palestinians’ anger and frustration should be understood and respected within the context: Israel has been colonising Palestine – including Jerusalem – since 1948, and Trump’s declaration simply gives Israel more of a green light to continue its settler-colonial project.

The new Balfour Declaration

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital echoes Lord Balfour’s denial of Palestinian rights a century ago. Today, however, Palestinians are more empowered to challenge it.

Trump’s Jerusalem Gambit Will Speed the Colonization of Palestinian Lands

Article - How Israel’s 10-Year Blockade Brought Gaza to the Brink of Collapse

The United States has long been a contradictory player in Palestinian and Israeli affairs, attempting to broker “peace deals” on the one hand while providing Israel with billions of dollars in military aid and political backing on the other. Now Donald Trump has honed this double-edged US role to a devastating point with his calamitous decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital—even as he calls for a two-state solution “if agreed” by both sides.


Cybercrime laws as a weapon against expression

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A law passed this year by the Palestinian Authority purports to crack down on digital crimes. But its use has already raised worries it will be used to curtail any criticism online, writes Nadim Nashif.

Legalising the annexation of Jerusalem

In late October, the Israeli Ministerial Committee for Legislation was set to vote on the “Greater Jerusalem” Bill. If it had passed, it would have been presented before the Knesset floor for several readings, before a vote on whether or not to legislate it.

The right to redress: How Palestinians could take the UK to court

Article - The right to redress: How Palestinians could take the UK to court

Britain committed a grave injustice in Palestine in 1948, and there is no statute of limitations on bringing claims for reparations under international law.

Voyages of the Palestinian Archive

Article - Voyages of the Palestinian Archive

The following discussion was spurred by the exhibition “Sea of Stories: Voyages of the Palestinian Archives,” originally presented at Dar El-Nimer for Arts and Culture in Beirut from October to November 2016, as part of the Qalandia International (Qi)’s third edition “This Sea is Mine.”  Samar Kanafani converses with curators Ahmad Barclay and Hana Sleiman, posing questions about the meanings of the archive and the processes of narrative building.

Hamas and Fatah’s Step Forward Takes Palestine a Step Back

Al-Shabaka member Dana El Kurd details why the 2017 reconciliation deal between Fatah and Hamas hurts the Palestinian people.