The 13 questions on life in Palestine that non-Palestinians always ask me

I am a Palestinian from my father’s side of the family and this month, I moved to Palestine. I was educated in France, worked in international organizations in a European and then an East African country, and also have lived in South America. Many of my colleagues, friends and acquaintances have no ties to the Holy Land. But they care and fantasize about it too. Therefore, during the many friendly discussions with people around me about why I was moving there, what it meant, how it would be, I found myself answering the same questions over and over again prompted by candid and genuine curiosity.

The Israeli algorithm criminalizing Palestinians for online dissent

Israeli intelligence has developed a predictive policing system – a computer algorithm – that analyzes social media posts to identify Palestinian “suspects.”

Prerequisites for Peace in Palestine/Israel

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Only by addressing the imbalances of power and ending the Israeli occupation in the short term can future long-term solutions for Palestine/Israel be discussed.

How Palestinians can reverse Israel’s divide and conquer tactics

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Oslo allowed Israel to reduce Palestinians to disparate fragments, each with their own challenge to merely survive. It’s time to reset that reality and view the Palestinians for what they are — physically fragmented, politically divided, but a whole people.

Letter from Gaza: ‘Alive due to lack of death’

Gaza-born Jehad Abusalim describes the devastating effects of Israel’s blockade on the daily lives of Palestinians.

What comes after Abbas and Netanyahu?

A leadership vacuum is looming, and its effect on the peace process and everyday life has alarmed many observers.

Policing Palestine

Article - Revitalizing Palestinian Nationalism

EU support for Palestinian security reforms has not increased prospects for a democratic and viable Palestinian state as intended.

Behind the headlines in Jerusalem

Recent al-Aqsa clashes are a result of Israel’s long-standing plans to expand control over Jerusalem.

Israel’s racist airport security routinely humiliates Arab women. I know

A legal challenge over humiliating treatment of female passengers on Israeli airlines highlights the racist and gendered nature of security faced by Palestinian women flying to and from Israel.