How Palestinian hunger strikes counter Israel’s monopoly on violence

مقال - كيف يواجه الإضراب الفلسطيني عن الطعام احتكار إسرائيل للعنف

Al-Shabaka policy member Basil Farraj discusses the historical use of hunger strikes as a political tool, and the significance of hunger strikes in the context of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as an effort by Palestinian prisoners to subvert the power of the Israeli state.

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There’s always an Intifada inside the prisons’

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Israel’s surge in demolitions calls into question the international community’s vision for a long-term deal.

Manslaughter’ charge against soldier irks Palestinians

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PA under renewed criticism for security coordination with Israel

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Political renewal in Palestine will come from the new generation

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An extended interview with Al-Shabaka Program Director Alaa Tartir on Palestine’s current political field and possibilities for the future.

Will Ramallah be Palestine’s first ‘smart city’?

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