Why opinion polls won’t bring democracy to Palestine

Polling in Palestine is a growth industry, but rather than change a broken system for the better, results are often simply used as a political tool.

Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

I am writing this piece in response to a questions raised by a Western, liberal friend of mine who wanted to “understand” as to why I have been calling for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against apartheid Israel.

Israeli apartheid going strong

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Under the present system, Palestinians are lesser human beings subjected to different laws. One would have hoped by now that the UN Security Council would have dropped its charade and called a spade a spade


Donald Trump backers also trying to get vote out in Israeli settlement

Article - Israel 'feeling heat' over settlement businesses

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton debated Monday night before an international audience of tens of millions. I didn’t watch. Trump already has made crystal clear his opposition to my freedom and the rights of other Palestinians.

Israeli bombing campaign a blight on humanity

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Efforts to press for sanctions on Tel Aviv are routinely vetoed in UN, with the Obama administration going down in history as being the only US administration not to have condemned any of the Zionist state’s illegal acts.

US fuelling Israel’s civil war

US should withhold military aid until Israel recognises Palestinian sovereignty


Palestinian children live behind walls

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Kids as young as 12 are routinely being deprived of their rights by an Israeli regime which has no qualms about jailing them.

Il Quartetto per il Medio Oriente: un mediatore disonesto

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Il Quartetto ha bisogno di parlare con Hamas. Altrimenti le faziosità pro-israliene nel suo ultimo rapporto potrebbero dare a Tel Aviv la scusa per attaccare ancora Gaza, spiega Alaa Tartir

BDS: The Palestinians Inclusive Protest Against The Violence of Apartheid

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When we, Palestinian Civil Society, issued our 2015 BDS call, we were counting on people of conscience, rather than governments and complicit corporations.