Israel’s occupation is eclipsing Palestine’s solar potential

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

Solar power presents a promising opportunity to develop Palestine’s energy independence, but focus must still be on the Israeli military occupation as the root cause of Palestinian energy poverty, writes Asmaa AbuMezied.

Israel boycott bans are threatening our First Amendment rights

Article - The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story

Democrats cannot afford to look the other way as efforts to shield Israel from accountability erode our fundamental rights.

Enforcing Apartheid in the West Bank

Article - What Apartheid Means for Israel

After settlers attacked a Palestinian village last week, Israeli politicians called it an outbreak of lawlessness. But the army covered the settlers’ every move.

Unconditional U.S. Support of Israel Fuels Jewish Extremist Violence

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The Israeli far right sees Washington’s refusal to get tough on Benjamin Netanyahu’s government as a green light for ethnic cleansing.

The Trap of Palestinian Participation

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An open letter considers the impossible choice facing Palestinians: Participate as a token in conversations premised on their oppression, or be branded rejectionists.

For Palestine, justice is not a question of law

Article - The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story

As we work towards Palestinian liberation, we should not forget international law itself is a form of imperial violence.

The myth of the ‘cycle of violence’

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Palestinians spotlight Israeli brutality to demand an end to their oppression; Israelis spotlight Palestinian violence to justify that oppression.

Israelis are not demonstrating for democracy

Article - The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story

Democracy in Israel would mean an end to apartheid. That is not what the Israeli protesters want.

Washington won’t admit the full danger of Israel’s far right

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

The White House’s intransigence in the face of the new reality reveals how much the U.S. political establishment has washed away any ‘red lines’ on Israel.