Will Open-Source Intelligence Liberate Palestine From Digital Occupation?

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Israeli analysts have transformed a tool of objectivity to one of distortion.

The Politics of Archaeology – Christian Zionism and the Creation of Facts Underground

Article - The Politics of Archaeology - Christian Zionism and the Creation of Facts Underground

The archaeological “facts” that bolster the marriage between and goals of both Zionism and Christian Zionism may be most patently obvious in Jerusalem – and particularly Silwan – but a myriad of other archaeological sites in the West Bank similarly serve to shore up Israeli settler colonialism and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Dispelling the Two-State Illusion

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A Palestinian perspective on why the so-called “two-state solution” has inevitably failed

With latest far-right shift, Europe’s lack of empathy for refugees is shocking

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

A recent boat tragedy off the Syrian coast left more than 100 refugees and migrants dead. But instead of providing rescue and safe passage, Europe’s hostility towards those seeking a better life continues to grow, writes Yara Hawari.

How a century of exile forged Palestinian national consciousness

The development of Palestinian national thought in the first half of the 20th century was never bound to geographic Palestine, but developed as a thoroughly transnational process

Israel admits it’s gaslighting the world on Shireen’s killing

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

There is little doubt, however, that her memory will remain a powerful rallying cry for Palestinians in their struggle, and will awaken more people to the brutality and deceptions that keep Israeli apartheid standing.

Challenging partition: Palestinian citizens of Israel

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

Israel’s Jewish Nation-State Law has been paved with more annexation of Palestinian land and apartheid policies, reinforcing the impossibility of a two-state solution and need for Palestinians to abandon the partition paradigm, writes Leila Farsakh.

Tour de France: A new arena for Israeli normalisation?

Palestine advocates should demand an end to the complicity of sports institutions in the ongoing dispossession of the Palestinian people

Why Benny Gantz is one of Israel’s most dangerous leaders

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

It is no coincidence that the Palestinian NGOs targeted by Gantz’s order have listed his name as a key suspect for the International Criminal Court to investigate as a war criminal, and are on the frontlines of exposing his crimes and turning international opinion against Israeli apartheid.