Israel-Palestine war: US politicians greenlighting ‘potential genocide’ of Palestinians, analysts warn

“Israel is hellbent on exterminating Palestinians in Gaza, and it knows no one will get in between them and what they see as their divine objective.”

Yara Hawari in Sky News

“This was not a provocation by Hamas, the provocation is that Israel has for decades placed Palestinian under colonial occupation, and in Gaza, in particular, we’re talking about 60 years of brutal military siege”

What a “complete siege” of Gaza will mean for Palestinians

Gaza was already under siege. Now it will get worse.

Gambling on a ‘pragmatic’ Hamas was a deadly mistake, analysts say

In recent years, the militant group made moves that led some observers to believe the threat was contained. They were wrong.

Israel Declares War On Gaza After Hamas Incursion

Article - The World Is Finally Waking Up to Israel’s Disinformation War – But Is It Too Late?

“This was not an unprovoked attack. There is nothing unprovoked in a situation when you have people living under colonial occupation for decades and in Gaza under siege.”

Muhannad Ayyash in BBC World

“The interests of the international community have never been aligned with the aspirations of the Palestinian people for liberation and sovereignty to exist as sovereign beings living as sovereign people on their sovereign lands.

Has the US failed in addressing the Palestinians’ concerns?

Abdullah Al-Arian, analyst with the Palestinian policy network, al-shabaka talks to TRT World about the violence in Gaza and the US’s shortcomings in prioritizing diplomatic ties between Israel and regional Arab countries.

Hamas (Gaza, ep. 3)

The Oslo Accords: Failure or Betrayal?

Article - Disrupting the business as usual of unbridled US military support for Israel

Palestinians reflect on the past 30 years since the first Oslo Accords were signed and all the ways in which the agreement impacted their lives, pushing them even further away from achieving liberation and statehood.