The US Democratic Candidates on Racial Justice and Palestine: Divergence or Convergence?

مقال - المرشحون الديمقراطيون الأمريكيون حول العدالة العنصرية وفلسطين: اختلاف أم تقارب؟

Al-Shabaka’s 24418 traces the top Democratic presidential candidates’ positions on Palestine and assesses them relative to their stances on racial justice in the US, arguing that while foreign policy has rarely differentiated US presidential candidates, in this election it is a key litmus test for a candidate’s sincerity vis-à-vis their commitment to civil and human rights. 

Maps, Technology, and Decolonial Spatial Practices in Palestine

Article - Maps, Technology, and Decolonial Spatial Practices in Palestine

The practice of mapping in Palestine-Israel has long been an exercise in power, imperialism, and dispossession. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst 24598 examines how Palestinians have been excluded from maps of their own land from the British Mandate to today, and explores ways that Palestinians can – and do – reclaim maps as a means of resistance. 

Focus On: International Aid to Palestine

The Trump Administration’s aid cuts to Palestinians, while disastrous, can spur a reassessment of the Oslo Accords aid model, which for decades has failed to bring Palestinians closer to freedom, self-determination, or statehood. In this collection of pieces, Al-Shabaka analysts examine aid to Palestine and its harmful ramifications, and suggest ways to reform and reinvent Palestinian aid.

Dangerous Bill in Congress to Crush the PLO and PA

A US bill being considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee puts at stake the ability of the Palestinian leadership to engage diplomatic and legal channels to support Palestinian national aspirations and to seek accountability through international mechanisms, as well as the future of the US-Palestinian bilateral relationship. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Zaha Hassan reports.  

The US Law Restricting Satellite Imagery of Palestine-Israel

The Kyl-Bingaman Amendment, passed by the US Congress in 1997 under the pretext of protecting Israel’s national security, prevents US satellite operators and retailers from selling or disseminating high-resolution images of Palestine-Israel. Al-Shabaka US Policy Fellow 24598 argues that the legislation is an act of censorship that also harms US business, and calls for its dissolution. 

Donor Perceptions of Palestine: Limits to Aid Effectiveness

Article - Donor Perceptions of Palestine: Limits to Aid Effectiveness

Though Western donors have poured billions into the Palestinian economy since the Oslo Accords, the funds have not resulted in development and regional peace. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Jeremy Wildeman examines and compares donor perceptions of Palestine through an assessment of donor reports to comprehend how donors have contributed to this result, and recommends Palestinian sovereignty over the aid process.

“The Lobby – USA”: Lessons for the Palestine Solidarity Movement

Article - “The Lobby – USA”: Lessons for the Palestine Solidarity Movement

Though Al-Jazeera never aired “The Lobby – USA,” its undercover investigation into how Israel’s government works with US organizations to advance its agenda, last month the Electronic Intifada leaked the four-part documentary. Al-Shabaka sat down with EI co-founder and Al-Shabaka analyst Ali Abunimah to discuss the film’s implications and its lessons for the Palestine solidarity movement.

Dark Money: Palestine, Mega Donors, and the 2018 Midterm Elections

مقال - المال المظلم: فلسطين، المانحون الكبار، والانتخابات النصفية 2018

The impending US mid-term elections are expected to be the most expensive in American history, with Republicans and Democrats continuing to rely on pro-Israel mega donors like Sheldon Adelson and Haim Saban. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Osamah Khalil examines these donors’ outsized influence on campaigns and policy and recommends ways for Palestinian activists and allies to counter their sway.  

Kushner’s Ongoing Assault on Palestinian Refugees

The US administration is waging an assault against Palestinian refugees. Al-Shabaka US Policy Fellow 24598 analyzes US cuts to UNRWA and Congressional bills that aim to reconstitute the state of Palestinian refugees to squelch Palestinian claims to sovereignty and repatriation, and suggests strategies that pro-Palestinian constituents and civil society can use to counter these acts.