Against the Colonial Partition of ‘self’ and ‘other’ Muhannad Ayyash

Samah Sabawi

Al-Shabaka Samah Sabawi

Samah Sabawi is a political commentator, author and playwright. She is a member of the board of directors for the National Council on Canada Arab Relations (NCCAR). Sabawi wrote and produced Cries from the Land (Canada 2003), Three Wishes (Canada 2008) andTales of a City by the Sea (Palestine & Australia 2014).  Her past work includes being public advocate for Australians for Palestine, Executive Director for the National Council on Canada Arab Relations (NCCAR) and Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the Canadian Foreign Service Institute’s Centre for Intercultural Learning.

Noura Mansour

Al-Shabaka Noura Mansour

Al-Shabaka Policy Member Noura Mansour is a Palestinian educator, writer, activist and community organizer, from Acre city. She studied Political Science and Education and received masters in International Relations from Haifa University. Noura has been involved in development and community work with NGOs in Jerusalem, West Bank and Palestine 48. She has worked with international NGOs and solidarity movements in Korea and Australia where she is now based and works in the Education sector. Noura is also a debate trainer and has taught and trained in many international forums in Asia, Middle East, Europe and Australia.

Ayah Abubasheer

Al-Shabaka Ayah Abubasheer

Ayah Abubasheer holds a Master’s degree in Global Politics from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She has published articles at Electronic Intifada, Palestine Chronicle, Mondoweiss and Middle East Eye.

Anas Iqtait

Al-Shabaka Anas Iqtait

Al-Shabaka Member Anas Iqtait is a research scholar at the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies at the Australian National University. His research focuses on the political economy dynamics shaping governance and fiscal policy of the Palestinian Authority, political rentierism, aid effectiveness, and the political economy of the wider region. He has previously worked in Palestine with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Oxfam, and the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and served as a Research Fellow at Birzeit University in 2017. He also holds a master’s degree in international development policy from Seoul National University.

The War on Gaza in Western and Arab Media

The Case for Academic Boycotts of Israel

Article - The Case for Academic Boycotts of Israel

The accelerating adoption of academic boycotts of Israel is just one manifestation of growing support for Palestinians and intensifying efforts to hold Israel accountable for colonization, occupation, and apartheid. However, academic boycotts remain one of the most controversial pillars of the wider boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement. According to a recent study, while 91% of […]

Sanctioning Israel: Feasibility and Ethical Considerations

Sanctions policy lab

As the Israeli regime escalates its apartheid and settler colonial practices in Palestine, calls for accountability are mounting. Among these demands are growing calls for sanctions. In this interview, Al-Shabaka speaks with Khaled Elgindy and Nada Elia for further insight on this topic. Together, they detail the varied forms that sanctions may take, their potential to affect meaningful change, and distinguish how sanctions targeting the Israeli regime would differ from those wielded by Western powers in other contexts.

Sanctions Against Israel: Effective Tool or Too Little, Too Late?

Sanctions policy lab

As the Israeli regime escalates its apartheid and settler colonial practices in Palestine, calls for sanctions against it have likewise increased. Still, sanctions remain controversial – both in terms of their ethics and efficacy. Indeed, many have argued that sanctions have rarely achieved their intended goals. What might sanctions look like in the context of […]