Defending Palestine Solidarity Activism in Europe

Article - Defending Palestine Solidarity Activism in Europe

The governments of France, Spain, and Germany have ramped up efforts to repress Palestine solidarity activism. Palestinians and their allies in these countries are facing more legal measures to criminalize their rights to boycott and critique the Israeli regime than ever before. How does each context differ? What is at stake for Palestinians and their […]

Lana Tatour

Al-Shabaka Lana Tatour

Lana Tatour is a Lecturer in Development at the School of Social Sciences, UNSW Sydney. She works on settler colonialism, indigeneity, race, citizenship, human rights, and the Middle East with a focus on Palestine and Israel. Prior to joining the School of Social Sciences, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Palestine Studies at Columbia University, and held visiting fellowships at the Palestinian-American Research Center, the Australian Human Rights Centre, UNSW Faculty of Law and UNSW School of Social Sciences. She is on the board of The Australian Journal of Human Rights. She is currently working on her manuscript Ambivalent Resistance: Palestinians in Israel and the Liberal Politics of Settler Colonialism and Human Rights, and on an edited volume together with Dr Ronit Lentin on Race and the Question of Palestine.

Shifting the Narrative on Palestine in 2022 and Beyond

Article - Defying Fragmentation and the Significance of Unity: A New Palestinian Uprising

From the COVID-19 pandemic to the Black Lives Matter movement, events that have unfolded on the global stage have impacted our realities over the past two years. Today, the Palestinian struggle exists in a world of greater connectivity, one where movements for justice are transcending state structures and institutions, recognizing the pervasiveness and interconnectedness of […]

Lawfare and Palestine: Strategies for Resisting Criminalization

Article - Lawfare and Palestine: Strategies for Resisting Criminalization

Israel’s recent criminalization of six Palestinian human rights organizations has sparked global outcry. But this tactic fits into a global trend of lawfare led by right-wing and conservative governments, including in the US and Europe, against activists and grassroots organizers. it must be actively resisted politically and legally. On the anniversary of the First Intifada, […]

Trump’s “Deal” for Palestinians: Repercussions and Responses

Article - Trump’s “Deal” for Palestinians: Repercussions and Responses

Though US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” largely does not change conditions on the ground for Palestinians, it helps legitimize the Israeli colonial project, which continues apace despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Al-Shabaka analysts from around the globe weigh in on the repercussions of the deal where they live and offer steps to counter them. 

Using Trump’s “Vision” to Break Free of Past Frameworks

As Israel and the US fast-track President Donald Trump’s vision of “peace”, i.e. the illegal annexation of occupied Palestinian territory, European countries ponder ways to uphold the rule of law. In this Policy Memo Al-Shabaka’s 24588 provides ideas on how they can – with a push from the Palestine solidarity movement. 

Dangerous Bill in Congress to Crush the PLO and PA

A US bill being considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee puts at stake the ability of the Palestinian leadership to engage diplomatic and legal channels to support Palestinian national aspirations and to seek accountability through international mechanisms, as well as the future of the US-Palestinian bilateral relationship. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Zaha Hassan reports.  

Palestine Solidarity: Tough Questions & Ways Forward

Article - Palestine Solidarity: Tough Questions & Ways Forward

Is the global Palestine solidarity movement exerting its energy in the right places? How can the movement better coordinate with developments in Palestine? Is Palestinian self-determination sufficiently reflected within the movement? On the 2018 International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Al-Shabaka’s 24598 is joined by analysts Loubna Qutami and Randa Wahbe to explore these challenging questions and more.

Australia and Palestine-Israel: The Threat of the Far Right

Australia recently voted against the UN resolution elevating Palestine’s status in the body and is considering moving its embassy to Jerusalem. While these acts may cause little surprise as the country’s policy has always leaned pro-Israel, Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst 24517 examines how Australia’s ruling party has moved further to the right and recommends ways to impede this trajectory.