Kushner’s Ongoing Assault on Palestinian Refugees

The US administration is waging an assault against Palestinian refugees. Al-Shabaka US Policy Fellow 24598 analyzes US cuts to UNRWA and Congressional bills that aim to reconstitute the state of Palestinian refugees to squelch Palestinian claims to sovereignty and repatriation, and suggests strategies that pro-Palestinian constituents and civil society can use to counter these acts.

The EU Must Fight the US Embassy Move to Jerusalem

مقال - على الاتحاد الأوروبي أن يعارض نقل السفارة الأمريكية إلى القدس

In the face of the US embassy move, Al-Shabaka Policy Fellow 24588 argues that the European Union remains one of the few spaces left to pursue Palestinian rights in the international arena. She proposes immediate steps the EU can take to uphold its commitments to Palestinians, including boycotting diplomatic meetings and functions at the new US embassy.

Latin America’s Turn to the Right: Implications for Palestine

Article - Latin America's Turn to the Right: Implications for Palestine

The past year has seen Latin American right-wing parties sweep elections and signal support for Israel. Al-Shabaka Policy Member 24394 assesses this shift through an examination of Latin American-Palestinian relations, Palestinian and Jewish diaspora lobbying in the region, and potential avenues for local action against Israeli efforts to push its agenda in violation of Palestinian rights.

One Hundred Years and Counting: Britain, Balfour, and the Cultural Repression of Palestinians

مقال - مائة عام والعدد في ازدياد: بريطانيا وبلفور والقمع الثقافي للفلسطينيين

The government and corporations of the United Kingdom have recently intensified efforts to censor Palestinian creative expression. Al-Shabaka Policy Member Aimee Shalan traces the roots of these attacks on Palestinian history and culture to the 1917 Balfour Declaration and offers recommendations for how civil society can bring the UK to change its approach.

The US Elections, Attacks on Activists, and a Changing Discourse

مقال - الانتخابات الأمريكية والاعتداءات على الناشطين والخطاب المتغير

The ongoing shift in discourse in the United States has as yet had little effect on politics and none on policy, argues Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Rashid Khalidi. He discusses Israel’s attempts to close the floodgates of debate and activism that boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) tactics have forced open, as well as the dangerous Israel-Gulf alliance.

The Role of the Palestinian Diaspora

المقال - دور الشتات الفلسطيني

The first Al-Shabaka Roundtable was held in Beirut, Lebanon on the topic of Palestinians in the Diaspora. Policy Advisors Khalil Hindi, Nadia Hijab, Aziza Khalidi, Jaber Suleiman, and Antoine Zahlan discussed the different interests of Palestinians in the Diaspora and how they can be secured.