Amal Nazzal

Al-Shabaka Amal Nazzal

Dr. Amal Nazzal is Assistant Professor at the Business and Economics Faculty at Birzeit University, Palestine. She received her PhD from the University of Exeter, where she studied the relevance of Bourdieu’s theory of practice for relationally capturing various practices, mechanisms, and dynamics in socio-cultural organizations. In particular, she focused on politically-motivated social movements. She has also researched social capital, social networking theory, digital ethnography, and social media content analysis. She has worked closely with the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS) and 7amleh – the Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media.

Ahmad Barclay

Al-Shabaka Ahmad Barclay

Al-Shabaka Policy Member Ahmad Barclay is an architect and environmental designer presently based in Beirut. He is co-founder of, and also works on Visualizing Palestine and #3awda. Ahmad previously worked with DAAR (Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency) on the “Laboratory of Returns” project, investigating architectural models for the return of Palestinian refugees. His academic research has focused on the potentials of architecture and planning as tools of ‘spatial resistance‘ in the Palestinian struggle.

Ahmad El-Atrash

Al-Shabaka Ahmad-El-Atrash

Al-Shabaka Member Ahmad El-Atrash is a Palestinian spatial planner and urban development specialist. He has extensive experience working with think-tanks, academic institutions, NGOs, and UN agencies in issues related to geo-political and strategic planning, governance reform, resilience, and sustainable development within the Palestinian context. Ahmad has a PhD in Spatial Planning from TU-Dortmund University in Germany.

Abaher El-Sakka

Al-Shabaka Abaher El-Sakka

Al-Shabaka Policy Member Abaher El-Sakka is a sociologist with a PhD degree in Sociology, University of Nantes with distinction, 2005. He was a Researcher and lecturer at the University of Nantes from 1998 to 2006 and is currently a professor at Birzeit University at the department of social and behavioural sciences. He is also visiting professor at several universities in France and Belgium. His current research interest focuses on the social history and the historiography of the social sciences. He is currently writing on social history of Gaza under British colonisation.

Abdullah Al-Arian

Al-Shabaka Abdullah Al-Arian

Abdullah Al-Arian is an assistant professor of history at Georgetown University in Qatar, where he specializes in the modern Middle East and the study of Islamic social movements. He is the author of Answering the Call: Popular Islamic Activism in Sadat’s Egypt (Oxford University Press, 2014). He is also co-editor of the Critical Currents in Islam page on the Jadaliyya e-zine. Twitter: @anhistorian

Ahmad Amara

Al-Shabaka Ahmad Amara

Al-Shabaka Policy Member Ahmad Amara is a human rights advocate and a graduate of the joint PhD program in History and Hebrew and Judaic studies at New York University. Before pursuing his PhD degree, Amara served for three years as a clinical instructor and global advocacy fellow with Harvard Law School’s Human Rights Program. Amara holds an LLB and LLM from Tel-Aviv University, and a second master’s degree in international human rights law from Essex University in the United Kingdom. Amara has a number of publications, including the co-edited volume “Indigenous (In)Justice: Human Rights Law and Bedouin Arabs in the Naqab/Negev” by Harvard University Press.

The War on Gaza in Western and Arab Media

The Continuation of Zionist Settler Colonialism

مقال - استمرار الاستعمار الاستيطاني الصهيوني

The Israeli regime is currently committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, aiming to eliminate the Indigenous community through slaughter, starvation, and mass expulsion. While devastating, it is imperative to recognize that this practice is not new. Rather, it is part of Israel’s decades-long Zionist colonial project. In this commentary, guest author 24440 outlines three defining features of Zionist settler colonialism: its structural nature, strategy of elimination, and use of fragmentation. It is through these tactics, Nabulsi argues, that the Zionist project seeks to ultimately extinguish Palestinian Indigenous sovereignty.

The Arab World and Gaza Genocide with Elham Fakhro

The Arab World and Gaza Genocide with Elham Fakhro

Elham Fakhro 0:00 So I think the question that civic movements across the Arab world are asking is, where is the ceiling here? Is there any point at which these governments are going to start taking real action? So while governments may be unwilling to go further in jeopardizing what they see as their own […]