The PA’s Revolving Door: A Key Policy in Security Coordination

Article - The PA’s Revolving Door: A Key Policy in Security Coordination

Last month, Israeli forces violently raided the West Bank city of Jenin. PA President Mahmoud Abbas visited the area shortly thereafter, accompanied by a slew of Palestinian security forces. Days later, the PA began an arrest campaign of its own, detaining members of various factions throughout the West Bank. Such a cycle encompasses a critical component of PA-Israeli security coordination: the revolving door/al-bab al-dawaar. In our latest policy memo, Al-Shabaka analyst Alaa Tartir examines the protocol and offers recommendations to both Palestinian leadership and civil society for ways forward.

Organized Resistance: Labor Strikes in the Palestinian Liberation Struggle

Article - Organized Resistance: Labor Strikes in the Palestinian Liberation Struggle

Throughout history, labor strikes have been used as a potent tool in expressing dissent, voicing grievances, and demanding change. In Palestine, they have emerged as a powerful mode of resistance and a critical source of leverage for workers. These strikes have encompassed diverse sectors, including labor, education, healthcare, and more, showcasing the unity and determination […]

Sanctioning Israel: Feasibility and Ethical Considerations

Sanctions policy lab

As the Israeli regime escalates its apartheid and settler colonial practices in Palestine, calls for accountability are mounting. Among these demands are growing calls for sanctions. In this interview, Al-Shabaka speaks with Khaled Elgindy and Nada Elia for further insight on this topic. Together, they detail the varied forms that sanctions may take, their potential to affect meaningful change, and distinguish how sanctions targeting the Israeli regime would differ from those wielded by Western powers in other contexts.

Consensus-Building for Liberation: Reflections from Lebanon

Consensus-building can be a long and challenging process. In the case of Palestine, achieving consensus among the forcibly fragmented Palestinian people is both particularly difficult and of critical importance in order to create a united national movement. In our latest commentary, Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Jaber Suleiman weighs in on the role of consensus-building in the context of a liberation struggle and draws on lessons from Palestinian organizing in Lebanon.

Israel’s National Guard: A Tool for Palestinian Erasure

Article - Israel's National Guard: A Tool for Palestinian Erasure

Benjamin Netanyahu has given far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir the go-ahead to establish Israel’s first national guard. Distinct from other Israeli forces, the national guard is designed primarily to target Palestinian citizens of Israel. In this policy memo, guest contributor 24352 looks at the emergence of the new force in order to understand its implications for Palestinian citizens of Israel and proposes recommendations to relevant stakeholders for how to challenge it and protect Palestinians.

Liberal Zionism: A Veneer
for Settler Colonialism

Liberal Zionism: A Veneer for Settler Colonialism with M. Muhannad Ayyash

About This Episode M. Muhannad Ayyash joins host Yara Hawari to discuss liberal Zionism and the dominant role it plays in Zionist ideology. He exposes its essential function of providing the settler colonial project with the veneer of enlightened, Western civilization and democratic politics. Episode Transcript The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity […]

Liberal Zionism: A Pillar of Israel’s Settler Colonial Project

Despite the Israeli regime’s increasingly right-wing policies, liberal Zionism still plays a dominant role in Zionist ideology. It fulfills the specific and critical function of providing the settler colonial project with the veneer of enlightened, Western civilization and democratic, progressive politics. In our latest policy brief, Al Shabaka analyst M. Muhannad Ayyash exposes this veneer and proposes a guiding framework for how to confront and invalidate the notion of liberal Zionism.

Prison Hunger Strikes in Palestine with Basil Farraj

Podcast - Prison Hunger Strikes in Palestine with Basil Farraj

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Basil Farraj 0:00 These practices, hunger strikes, have to be conceptualized, I think, as a manifestation of prisoners projecting the presence of this apartheid carceral regime in a sense, of prisoners’ desire for freedom and actually as a running towards freedom, not running away […]

Ghada Majadli

Al-Shabaka Ghada Majadli

Ghada Majadli is a researcher and activist who has previously served as the director of the Department of The Occupied Palestinian Territory at Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHRI). She holds a master’s in Human Rights and Transitional Justice from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Her work primarily focuses on Palestinian health and human rights; she pays particular attention to the multilayered system of control and management of Palestinians’ health by the Israeli regime. Ghada has published several papers in peer-reviewed journals, including the Health and Human Rights Journal, Developing World Bioethics, and The Lancet. Her commentaries have been featured in various international and local media outlets, including Le Monde, Al-Jazeera English, The New Arab, Jewish Currents, Middle East Eye, and others.