Harnessing Open-Source Intelligence for Palestinian Liberation

مقال - تسخير الاستخبارات مفتوحة المصدر لتحرير فلسطين

Open-source intelligence is changing the way information is shared across the world. While increasingly credited as a means to expose war crimes and human rights violations, it is also being used as a tool for entrenching state oppression. In this policy brief, US Policy Fellow Tariq Kenney-Shawa examines the revolutionizing technology and offers recommendations for how to harness it for Palestinian liberation.

Sanctions Against Israel: Effective Tool or Too Little, Too Late?

Sanctions policy lab

As the Israeli regime escalates its apartheid and settler colonial practices in Palestine, calls for sanctions against it have likewise increased. Still, sanctions remain controversial – both in terms of their ethics and efficacy. Indeed, many have argued that sanctions have rarely achieved their intended goals. What might sanctions look like in the context of […]

The “Pro-Democracy” Israeli Protests with Ameer Makhoul

Podcast - The “Pro-Democracy” Israeli Protests with Ameer Makhoul

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Ameer Makhoul 0:00 For the Israelis, they want to keep the state as it is. Because it’s a Jewish state, it’s their state, not to allow the new elites to change it. They are very militarized demonstrations. The military voice, the security voice, is […]

Dismantling Abbas’s Rule over the Palestinian Judiciary

المقال - تفكيك حكم عباس للقضاء الفلسطيني

In October 2022, PA President Mahmoud Abbas issued a decree ordering the establishment of the Supreme Council of Judicial Bodies and Authorities that he would head. Through this and other decrees, Abbas and the ruling elite entrench the domination of the executive authority over the judiciary. Al-Shabaka policy analyst 24398 examines these decrees and offers recommendations for confronting them.

Confronting Energy Poverty in Gaza

Palestinians in Gaza are suffering from a worsening energy crisis due to the Israeli regime’s ongoing siege. As a result, they have adopted different coping strategies, including solar energy technology to offset electricity shortages. Al-Shabaka policy analyst and 2022 Visiting Gaza Fellow 24379 examines this reality, and offers recommendations for Palestinian leadership and stakeholders to promote Palestinian economic self-determination in Gaza.

Confronting Energy Poverty in Gaza with Asmaa Abu Mezied

Podcast - Confronting Energy Poverty in Gaza with Asmaa Abu Mezied

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Asmaa Abu Mezied 0:00 So what the international community ends up doing is really providing Palestinians with painkillers and very short-term solutions rather than addressing the big elephant in the room, rather than addressing the root causes, which is the role of the Israeli […]

Shrinking the Conflict: Debunking Israel’s New Strategy

مقال - تقليص الصراع: فضح استراتيجية إسرائيل الجديدة

Since 2021, Israeli leaders have proposed a new series of economic policies under the approach of “shrinking the conflict.” This strategy aims to afford Palestinians more economic opportunities and so-called freedoms as a way to sustain the Israeli occupation. In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka policy analyst 24583 debunks the framework and explains why Palestinians will not be pacified with economic incentives.

The PA’s Revenue Structure and Israel’s Containment Strategy

Article - The PA's Revenue Structure and Israel’s Containment Strategy

The Palestinian Authority’s budget disproportionately relies on clearance revenues that the Israeli regime regularly withholds as political blackmail. Combined with a negligible domestic tax base and the absence of political sovereignty, it is therefore futile to speak of real fiscal reform within the PA. In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka policy analyst, Amal Ahmad, examines the foundational logic of this distorted arrangement.

Israeli Demographic Engineering Across Colonized Palestine

Article - Israeli Demographic Engineering Across Colonized Palestine

The Israeli regime subjects Palestinians across colonized Palestine to an intricate system of demographic control.