Corporate Accountability in Palestine: Grassroots Strategies

Article - Corporate Accountability in Palestine: Grassroots Strategies

In recent years, Palestine solidarity activists have pressured corporations to end their complicity in the Israeli regime’s violations of Palestinians’ rights.

The Legacy of Mahmoud Abbas

مقال - تراث محمود عباس

As of 2023, Mahmoud Abbas surpasses his democratic mandate as President of the Palestinian Authority by 14 years. And as speculation mounts about his successor, the question of his legacy lingers. In a new Al-Shabaka roundtable, policy analysts Tareq Baconi, 24588, Alaa Tartir, and Tariq Kenney-Shawa reflect on Abbas’s impact on Palestinian leadership and the Palestinian struggle for liberation.

Palestine in 2022: A Year of Resistance

Podcast - Palestine in 2022: A Year of Resistance

Yara Hawari 0:00 In our final podcast episode of the year, we have put together some of our favorite soundbites from all the episodes in 2020. We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy putting it all together. We also want to ask you for your support. At Al-Shabaka, we’re working to strengthen […]

Challenging Anti-Boycott Legislation in the US

Anti-boycott legislation in the US

The Israeli regime’s defenders across the US are ramping up efforts to criminalize the constitutionally protected right to boycott. Beyond violating the rights of Palestine solidarity activists, this threatens to undermine the tenets of a healthy democracy. Al-Shabaka’s US Policy Fellow, Tariq Kenney-Shawa, examines this development and suggests what lawmakers, civil society organizations, and concerned citizens should do to challenge it. 

Defending Palestine Solidarity Activism in Europe

Article - Defending Palestine Solidarity Activism in Europe

The governments of France, Spain, and Germany have ramped up efforts to repress Palestine solidarity activism. Palestinians and their allies in these countries are facing more legal measures to criminalize their rights to boycott and critique the Israeli regime than ever before. How does each context differ? What is at stake for Palestinians and their […]

Football in the Middle East with Abdullah Al-Arian

Podcast - Football in the Middle East with Abdullah Al-Arian

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Abdullah Al-Arian 0:00 When we look at, for instance, what Israel has done through sport is that it’s not just using it to deflect attention away from ethnic cleansing, apartheid, or occupation. I think what the Israeli state has explicitly tried to do is […]

The Future of Palestine: Analysis of Potential Political and Sectoral Scenarios

The Future of Palestine

What does the future of Palestine look like and how will some political scenarios affect different sectors of Palestinian society? If the status quo continues or if the Palestinian Authority collapses, and even if the Palestine Liberation Organization is revived, there are countless possible repercussions and consequences on the general Palestinian political situation, and on […]

Social Media, Self-Expression, and Self-Determination in Gaza

Social Media, Self-Expression, and Self-Determination in Gaza

Youth in Gaza have engaged in the digital revolution, especially through social media platforms, to express themselves and critique their corrupt leadership. What are the implications of this turn to technology for Palestinians in Gaza? Can this form of expression affect change in leadership and foster self-determination? Al-Shabaka policy analyst, Ali Abdel Wahab, explores these questions in our latest commentary.

Palestinian Succession: Crisis or Opportunity?

Palestinian Succession: Crisis or Opportunity?

Al-Shabaka policy analysts Leila Farsakh and 24352 join us for a discussion with host 24503 about these unfolding developments in Palestinian leadership.