Palestinian Succession: Crisis or Opportunity?

Palestinian Succession: Crisis or Opportunity?

Al-Shabaka policy analysts Leila Farsakh and 24352 join us for a discussion with host 24503 about these unfolding developments in Palestinian leadership.

Arab Normalization and the Palestinian Struggle for Liberation

Arab Normalization and the Palestinian Struggle for Liberation

While normalization deals between the Israeli and Arab regimes continue to spread and deepen, they have historical precedent across the region. In our latest commentary, Al-Shabaka’s senior analyst, 24588, situates contemporary normalization maneuvers in historical and geopolitical contexts, and describes the implications of these worrying policies on Palestinian liberation and the future of the region.

The Case for Palestinian Nationality

The Case for Palestinian Nationality

Exiled Palestinians’ right to Palestinian nationality is protected under international law, irrespective of racist Israeli apartheid policies. How can Palestinians and their leadership in the diaspora activate this right through different legal and political channels? Al-Shabaka’s Commissioning Editor 24503 offers recommendations for how to secure exiled Palestinians their rights to and in Palestine, from wherever they may be.

The Challenges of Fighting for Palestinian Prisoners’ Freedom

The Challenges of Fighting for Palestinian Prisoners' Freedom

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Melina 0:00 We are all still working. None of the employees of the six organizations, none of them, left their job or retired or wanted to quit because this designation aims to silence Palestinian voices and we didn’t want to give the Israeli occupation […]

Reconstituting the PLO: Any Place for Hamas and Islamic Jihad?

Reconstituting the PLO: Any Place for Hamas and Islamic Jihad?

In light of the evolving roles of Hamas and Islamic Jihad within Palestinian resistance, we revisit our August 2020 piece about incorporating them into a restructured PLO. Al-Shabaka policy analyst, Belal Shobaki, analyzes the movements’ doctrinal and political characteristics since their establishment, and identifies how they can be included in a rebuilt liberation movement.

From Jenin to Gaza to Nablus: Palestinian Resistance Under Attack

Podcast - From Jenin to Gaza to Nablus: Palestinian Resistance Under Attack

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Ibrahim Fraihat 0:00 The target is the resistance, the concept of resistance, and the resistance movement in Palestine, trying to manipulate a situation between Hamas and Jihad and Gaza and attack, before the Gaza bombing starts, resistance leaders in Jenin and then continuing in […]

Biden’s Mideast Visit: Sobering Lessons for Palestine

Article - Biden's Mideast Visit: Sobering Lessons for Palestine

US President Joe Biden’s July 2022 visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia signified a new era of regional alliances that are inextricably linked to the expanding normalization deals heralded by the Abraham Accords. Indeed, the US appears more determined to buttress these authoritarian and apartheid regimes with military and technological superiority, particularly for future confrontations […]

Focus On: Palestinian Digital Rights

Focus On: Palestinian Digital Rights

New digital technologies have reinvigorated the Palestinian cause locally and globally. However, Palestinians and their allies have been increasingly targeted online, including through surveillance, silencing, and cyberthreats. In this Focus On, Al-Shabaka analysts examine these trends and address Israeli surveillance tactics, the complicity of the PA, and how Palestinians and their allies can resist violations of their digital rights.

The Prison Intifada: Supporting Palestinian Administrative Detainees

Article - The Prison Intifada: Supporting Palestinian Administrative Detainees

Administrative detention is central to the Israeli regime’s attempts to suppress Palestinian mobilization. Al-Shabaka policy analyst Basil Farraj shows how Palestinian administrative detainees have continuously resisted this policy and demanded an end to its widespread and arbitrary use. He offers recommendations to Palestinian civil society organizations, national stakeholders, and solidarity groups for how to support the ongoing Palestinian prison intifada.