Palestine Beyond Partition and the Nation-State

Palestine Beyond Partition and the Nation-State

What does Palestinian statehood beyond partition and the nation-state framework look like? Which alternatives exist and what are the challenges they might present? Al-Shabaka sits with policy analyst Leila Farsakh to discuss these questions and more, following the publication of her new edited volume, Rethinking Statehood in Palestine: Self-Determination and Decolonization Beyond Partition.

Focus On: Jerusalem Revisited

Article - Focus On: Jerusalem Revisited

Jerusalem is increasingly at the center of developments across colonized Palestine. Indeed, from forced expulsions to attacks on worshipers, the Israeli regime is determined to de-Palestinianize the city. In light of Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing campaign and Palestinian Jerusalemites’ resistance to it, Al-Shabaka revisits the topic of Jerusalem with a new selection of publications from our analysts.

Reflections on Palestinian Local Elections with Fadi Quran

Podcast - Reflections on Palestinian Local Elections with Fadi Quran

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Fadi Quran 0:00 I think Palestinian society at large, particularly the younger generation who are more hopeful, are moving towards that big picture. We want Palestine liberated. We want all Palestinians liberated no matter where they are, and we’re willing to sacrifice and find […]

The Prison Intifada: Palestinian Resistance Beyond the Shackles of the Occupation

The Prison Intifada: Palestinian Resistance Beyond the Shackles of the Occupation

Palestinian prisoners have mobilized in Israeli prisons in unprecedented ways over the past months—including their successful escape from Gilboa prison in September 2021, and through the administrative prisoners’ boycott of Israeli military courts since the beginning of 2022. What does the ongoing prison uprising indicate about the relationship is between Palestinian prisoners and the occupation’s […]

Palestinian Representation: Elections vs. Consensus-Building

Article - Palestinian Representation: Elections vs. Consensus-Building

In light of the March 2022 Palestinian municipal elections, we revisit our August 2020 piece on the question of representation vis-à-vis elections and consensus-building. Al-Shabaka’s policy analyst, Nijmeh Ali, critically examines different forms of Palestinian political representation given their geographic fragmentation, as well as the structures of the PLO itself, offering suggestions for the future.

Reimagining Palestinian Health and Education with Yara Asi

Podcast - Reimagining Palestinian Health and Education with Yara Asi

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Yara Asi 0:00 The question for Palestinians becomes, do we reject this paradigm? Do we use every lever to push for liberation? Even if we lose some of what so many sacrificed so much for. Even if it means rejecting certain streams of financial […]

International Law and the Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Movement

المقال - القانون الدولي والحركة الفلسطينية المناهضة للفصل العنصري

Recognition of Israel’s crime of apartheid is increasing throughout the world. How should Palestinians seize this moment and strategize an anti-apartheid movement through legal avenues? Al-Shabaka’s policy analyst, 24535, examines the importance of deploying international law in a decolonial Palestinian anti-apartheid movement and offers recommendations for how Palestinians and their allies should strategize it.

Strategizing Anti-Normalization from the Gulf to Capitol Hill

Article - Strategizing Anti-Normalization from the Gulf to Capitol Hill

Al-Shabaka’s Commissioning Editor, 24503, is joined by anti-normalization activists, 24507 and Sumaya Almajdoub, in the latest installment of Al-Shabaka’s policy lab series.

The Mobilizing Power of Palestinians in Lebanon

المقال - القوة الحشدية للفلسطينيين في لبنان

For decades, Lebanese and Palestinian leadership, as well as the international aid community, have been complicit in Palestinian refugees’ destitution in Lebanon’s camps. However, the tide is shifting. Al-Shabaka’s policy analyst, Mai Abu Moghli, examines how Palestinians in Lebanon have been increasingly staking claims to their rights through collective mobilization, charting a new and revolutionary path for themselves in the country.