Palestinian Civil Society: Between International Pressure and Authoritarian Rule

المقال - المجتمع المدني في فلسطين: مناورة بين الضغوط الدولية والسلطة الاستبدادية

Palestinian civil society faces a multitude of pressures from various actors, including international donors, the Palestinian Authority, as well as the Israeli occupation. What is the historical context of civil society in terms of their relationship with international donors and the Palestinian Authority? How have they responded to the increasing conditions imposed on international aid, […]

The Demise of Palestinian Productive Sectors: Internal Trade as a Microcosm of the Impact of Occupation

Article - The Demise of Palestinian Productive Sectors: Internal Trade as a Microcosm of the Impact of Occupation

The Israeli occupation has crippled Palestinian productive sectors, leading to the dominance of internal trade in the Palestinian economy. Al-Shabaka policy analyst, Ibrahim Shikaki, examines how these structural distortions developed as a result of Israel’s oppressive economic policies since it occupied Palestine in 1967. He offers recommendations to the international community and aid agencies for how to support Palestinian economic self-determination. 

Limitations and Possibilities of the Apartheid Framework with Lana Tatour

Podcast - Limitations and Possibilities of the Apartheid Framework with Lana Tatour

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Lana Tatour 00:00 Through seemingly radical discourse, for example, apartheid is being reconfigured from a colonial question into a liberal question. So the problem is the lack of equality; it is not colonization; it is not Zionism as a racist, settler colonial movement. Yara Hawari 00:27 […]

Gaza Between Occupation, Division, and COVID-19: Confronting Total Collapse

Article - Gaza Between Occupation, Division, and COVID-19: Confronting Total Collapse

Gaza is in a state of total collapse. How has the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the challenges Palestinians in Gaza experience as a result of the ongoing Israeli occupation and political division in their leadership? Al-Shabaka member Ali Abdel-Wahab examines the impacts of these three factors on the lives of Gazans, and describes their strategies for confronting this reality. 

2020 and the Palestinian Leadership with Tareq Baconi

Podcast - 2020 and the Palestinian Leadership with Tareq Baconi

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Tareq Baconi 00:00 I think the Palestinian struggle is also ongoing – in the sense that its understanding now in this 21st century reality we’re living in – that there are new forms of mobilization that can reshape an alternative phase of Palestinian liberation, […]

YouTube’s Violation of Palestinian Digital Rights: What Needs to be Done

Article - YouTube’s Violation of Palestinian Digital Rights: What Needs to be Done

Palestinians are increasingly reporting that their digital rights are being violated by social media platforms, including YouTube. Al-Shabaka policy analyst, 24366, examines YouTube’s problematic community guidelines and policies, and how they are used to discriminate against Palestinian users’ content. She offers recommendations for protecting the digital rights of Palestinian activists, journalists, and human rights defenders.

Tourism and Israel’s Settler Colonial Project: Seeking Ethical Alternatives

Article - Tourism and Israel's Settler Colonial Project: Seeking Ethical Alternatives

The role of tourism in advancing Israel’s settler colonial project dates back to the arrival of Zionists in Palestine. Today, it is most clearly articulated through religious tours that legitimize the Israeli regime’s continued theft of Palestinian land and oppression of the Palestinian people. How does religious tourism in Palestine serve the Israeli regime’s colonial […]

Palestinians and their Leadership: Restoring the PLO

Article - Palestinians and their Leadership: Restoring the PLO

For Palestinians, the Palestinian leadership’s year-end decision to restore security coordination with Israel means a return to a status quo that did little to forward Palestinian liberation. Yet 2020 has demonstrated that radical and abrupt change to established orders is possible. Can Palestinians aspire to such changes in the new year? 24474 explores how Palestinians can reclaim and redefine their leadership in the PLO. 

Occupation in the Time of COVID-19: Holding Israel Accountable for Palestinian Health

Article - Occupation in the Time of COVID-19: Holding Israel Accountable for Palestinian Health

Israel has directly contributed to the deterioration of Palestinians’ health during the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Al-Shabaka policy analyst, Yara Asi, explores the different ways in which Israel has impacted Palestinians’ ability to respond to and mitigate the disastrous effects of the pandemic, and recommends approaches to addressing the Palestinian health crisis.