Achieving a Palestinian Spring

مقال - تحقيق الربيع الفلسطيني

In this Al-Shabaka roundtable, a cross-section of policy advisors reflects on Jamil Hilal’s policy brief, “Palestinian Answers in the Arab Spring.” They discuss the state of Palestinian politics and society, the future of the Palestinian national movement, and how to achieve a Palestinian Spring.

The Future of Jerusalem: Sacred Space or Open City?

مقال - مستقبل القدس: مكان مقدس أم مدينة مفتوحة؟

In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Salim Tamari examines the different proposals for the future of Jerusalem. Rooted in the sacrilization of the city, Tamari argues that the proposals ignore the colonial subjugation of Jerusalem. He contends that this fact must be addressed in order to achieve an equitable resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The Invisible Community: Egypt’s Palestinians

مقال - المجتمع الخفي: فلسطينيو مصر

In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Oroub el-Abed examines the legal status of Palestinians in Egypt, including positive signs of change following the Egyptian revolution. She argues that the Egyptian government must do more to live up to its responsibilities to the “invisible community” of Palestinians living in the country.

Palestinian Answers in the Arab Spring

مقال - الأجوبة الفلسطينية في الربيع العربي

In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Jamil Hilal examines the conditions necessary for Palestinians to join the democratic movements sweeping the region. He identifies some of the key principles necessary for a “Palestinian spring,” including a reunified body politic with representative mechanisms and political and intellectual pluralism.

Declaring an Independent Bantustan

Article - Declaring an Independent Bantustan

The Palestinian Authority is attempting to achieve UN recognition of the state of Palestine in September. In this Al-Shabaka commentary, policy advisor Haidar Eid argues that it will be a state in name only, resembling the “independent homelands,” or bantustans, created by South Africa’s apartheid regime.

Debating Forms of Resistance

مقال - مناقشة أشكال المقاومة

The latest Al-Shabaka roundtable examines the effectiveness of different forms of resistance in achieving Palestinian rights. The participants discussed a range of issues from the implications of armed struggle to the potential and limitations of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement.

Unmasking “Aid” After the Palestine Papers

Article - Unmasking "Aid" After the Palestine Papers

In the second Al-Shabaka commentary on the “Palestine Papers,” Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Samer Abdelnour examines the integral role played by the aid industry in ensuring the de-development of the Palestinian economy.

The “Palestine Papers”: An Alternative Analysis for Action

Article - The “Palestine Papers”: An Alternative Analysis for Action

Since they were leaked in late January by Al-Jazeera, the “Palestine Papers” have sparked outrage and condemnation of the Palestinian Authority. Al-Shabaka Co-Director Nadia Hijab examines how Palestinians can ensure that their rights are achieved in spite of the concessions at the negotiating table.

Unmet Potential: The UN Committee on Palestine

مقال - الإمكانات غير المحققة: لجنة الأمم المتحدة المعنية بفلسطين

In 1975, the UN General Assembly established the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Noura Erakat examines the role of the Committee and the failure of the Palestine Liberation Organization to effectively utilize it to achieve Palestinian rights. She also discusses how the Committee has shunned the participation of civil society organizations since the Oslo Accords were signed.