Uneasy but Necessary: The UNRWA-Palestinian Relationship

مقال - غير مستقر ولكنه ضروري: العلاقة بين الأونروا والفلسطينيين

In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Randa Farah examines the relationship between UNRWA and Palestinian refugees in Jordan and compares it to the situation of Sahrawi refugees in Algeria.

Strategies if Talks “Succeed”

مقال - الاستراتيجيات في حالة "نجاح" المحادثات

Over the past month, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisors Bashir Abu-Manneh, Ali Abunimah, Naseer Aruri, Diana Buttu, Mary Nazzal-Batayneh, Mouin Rabbani, and Samah Sabawi responded to Nadia Hijab’s Policy Brief What if Peace Talks “Succeed”? They reflected on Hijab’s recommendations and offered other strategies for consideration by Palestinians and their supporters in order to achieve Palestinian rights.

What if Peace Talks “Succeed?”

مقال - ماذا لو "نجحت" محادثات السلام؟

Direct talks between Palestinians and Israelis resumed earlier this month in Washington. Al-Shabaka Director Nadia Hijab examines the possibility that a framework agreement will be achieved and the implications for Palestinian rights. Hijab offers strategies that Palestinians should adopt to ensure that their rights are protected and fulfilled if an agreement is reached.

Justice Deferred: Upholding the ICJ Ruling

المادة - العدالة المؤجلة: تأييد حكم محكمة العدل الدولية


July marked the sixth anniversary of the ruling by the International Court of Justice on Israel’s Wall in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. Al-Shabaka policy advisor Jamal Juma’ examines how and why the Wall was established and how can Palestinians utilize the ICJ ruling to achieve their rights.

Gaza: The Enduring Siege

Article - Gaza: The Enduring Siege

Writing from Gaza, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Haidar Eid challenges Israel’s claim that it has eased its siege. Eid compares Israel’s policies with those of Apartheid South Africa and argues that the anti-apartheid struggle offers valuable lessons for Palestinians on how to overcome the siege and revitalize their national movement.

Unwelcome Guests: Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon

مقال - ضيوف غير مرحب بهم: اللاجئون الفلسطينيون في لبنان

For over 60 years, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon have been denied their basic rights. Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Dalal Yassine examines the legal status of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and the “Right to Work” Campaign. She argues that greater coordination between Palestinian and Lebanese civil society organizations and solidarity groups in the Palestinian Diaspora is required in order to change the country’s laws.

The Role of the Palestinian Diaspora

المقال - دور الشتات الفلسطيني

The first Al-Shabaka Roundtable was held in Beirut, Lebanon on the topic of Palestinians in the Diaspora. Policy Advisors Khalil Hindi, Nadia Hijab, Aziza Khalidi, Jaber Suleiman, and Antoine Zahlan discussed the different interests of Palestinians in the Diaspora and how they can be secured.

Letter from Gilboa Jail

Al-Shabaka Ameer Makhoul

Arrested on May 6 at his home in Haifa, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Ameer
Makhoul is due to stand trial beginning on 27 June. Writing from Gilboa
Jail, Makhoul describes how his arrest, interrogation, torture and trial
using “secret evidence” are Israel’s tools for the criminalization of
human rights defenders.

Integrating Palestine into the Progressive Left

Article - Integrating Palestine into the Progressive Left

As progressive forces in the United States prepare to convene the second U.S. Social Forum this week in Detroit, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Noura Erakat comments on the gap between Palestinian and Arab dreams of an America committed to justice and the reality of the work it would take to achieve this dream