Defeating Dependency, Creating a Resistance Economy

مقال - دحر التبعية وخلق اقتصاد المقاومة

In an important recent piece – Economic Hallucination – Ramallah-based Al-Shabaka policy advisor Sam Bahour exposed the charade played by both Western donors and the Palestinian Authority (PA) to cover up the occupied territory’s inexorable economic meltdown after decades of Israeli military occupation. Arguing that the combined donor-PA approach poses major obstacles to freedom and rights, Bahour concluded: “It’s time for a new economic model, one built on economic justice, social welfare, solidarity, and sustainability.” What would such an economic model look like and how can Palestinians living under occupation move from today’s grim reality to an economy that sustains the quest for self-determination? Al-Shabaka policy advisors Alaa Tartir and Samer Abdelnour join Bahour to debate these questions and explore alternatives.

Beyond Sterile Negotiations: Looking for a Leadership with a Strategy

مقال - ما بعد المفاوضات العقيمة: البحث عن قيادة ذات استراتيجية

Given the abject failure of the Palestine Liberation Organization to secure Palestinian rights since it was established, and especially since it adopted an exclusive peace process track, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Noura Erakat argues that it is past time to explore how a national liberation strategy can be elaborated — and who can lead it. She discusses the transnational Palestinian networks that are being formed as well as the Boycott National Committee. The former have aspirations to build political programs and authoritative leadership but are still in their early stages, while the latter has become a leading body but has deliberately opted against a political program and leadership. She explores the South Africa model, and argues for a dual approach of working for rights while at the same time actively seeking answers to the pressing need for a unified political program and leadership.

Keeping an Eye on UNRWA

مقال - مراقبة الأونروا

Israel recently launched a spate of attacks on UNRWA, the UN Agency serving Palestinian refugees, which could herald another attempt to shut the Agency down. Is UNRWA perpetuating Palestine’s conflict with Israel, as its Israeli critics allege, or does it provide essential relief and work for millions of Palestinian refugees who were displaced from their homes in 1948? Does UNRWA act as a catalyst to absorb the refugees in the Arab world and to contain their political struggle as its Palestinian critics allege, or does it keep their cause alive and visible on the international scene as its Israeli and Western critics allege? In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Randa Farah responds to UNRWA’s critics, while also casting a critical eye at the Agency. In doing so, she reminds us of the different reasons why the Agency was founded in the first place.

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine and the Question of Apartheid

مقال - محكمة راسل الخاصة بفلسطين ومسألة الفصل العنصري

The third session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine recently convened in Cape Town, South Africa. Its perhaps most controversial finding was that Israel applies a system of apartheid to the entire Palestinian people, including its own citizens. What is the significance of this finding, and what does it mean for civil society in Palestine and the Diaspora — and for Israel and its supporters? In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Victor Kattan describes what apartheid means under international law, highlights the Tribunal’s findings, and explains its significance.

The Future of Jerusalem: Sacred Space or Open City?

مقال - مستقبل القدس: مكان مقدس أم مدينة مفتوحة؟

In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Salim Tamari examines the different proposals for the future of Jerusalem. Rooted in the sacrilization of the city, Tamari argues that the proposals ignore the colonial subjugation of Jerusalem. He contends that this fact must be addressed in order to achieve an equitable resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The Invisible Community: Egypt’s Palestinians

مقال - المجتمع الخفي: فلسطينيو مصر

In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Oroub el-Abed examines the legal status of Palestinians in Egypt, including positive signs of change following the Egyptian revolution. She argues that the Egyptian government must do more to live up to its responsibilities to the “invisible community” of Palestinians living in the country.

A State of Palestine: The Case for UN Recognition and Membership

دولة فلسطين: الحُجة من أجل الاعتراف والعضوية في الأمم المتحدة

In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Victor Kattan examines the Palestinian Authority’s strategy to achieve UN recognition and membership in September. He argues that if the initiative is successful, a State of Palestine would be a strategic asset to the Palestinian struggle for self-determination.

Palestinian Answers in the Arab Spring

مقال - الأجوبة الفلسطينية في الربيع العربي

In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Jamil Hilal examines the conditions necessary for Palestinians to join the democratic movements sweeping the region. He identifies some of the key principles necessary for a “Palestinian spring,” including a reunified body politic with representative mechanisms and political and intellectual pluralism.

Unmet Potential: The UN Committee on Palestine

مقال - الإمكانات غير المحققة: لجنة الأمم المتحدة المعنية بفلسطين

In 1975, the UN General Assembly established the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Noura Erakat examines the role of the Committee and the failure of the Palestine Liberation Organization to effectively utilize it to achieve Palestinian rights. She also discusses how the Committee has shunned the participation of civil society organizations since the Oslo Accords were signed.