Justice Deferred: Upholding the ICJ Ruling

المادة - العدالة المؤجلة: تأييد حكم محكمة العدل الدولية


July marked the sixth anniversary of the ruling by the International Court of Justice on Israel’s Wall in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. Al-Shabaka policy advisor Jamal Juma’ examines how and why the Wall was established and how can Palestinians utilize the ICJ ruling to achieve their rights.

Letter from Gilboa Jail

Al-Shabaka Ameer Makhoul

Arrested on May 6 at his home in Haifa, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Ameer
Makhoul is due to stand trial beginning on 27 June. Writing from Gilboa
Jail, Makhoul describes how his arrest, interrogation, torture and trial
using “secret evidence” are Israel’s tools for the criminalization of
human rights defenders.

Integrating Palestine into the Progressive Left

Article - Integrating Palestine into the Progressive Left

As progressive forces in the United States prepare to convene the second U.S. Social Forum this week in Detroit, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Noura Erakat comments on the gap between Palestinian and Arab dreams of an America committed to justice and the reality of the work it would take to achieve this dream

BDS: A Global Movement for Freedom & Justice

مقال - المقاطعة: حركة عالمية من أجل الحرية والعدالة

The success of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement launched a decade ago owes much to the constancy of its founding principles and the flexibility of its context-specific actions, as is evident in this policy brief written half-way along the road by Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Omar Barghouti and republished today.

BDS: A Global Movement for Freedom & Justice

Article - BDS: A Global Movement for Freedom & Justice

Al-Shabaka policy advisor Omar Barghouti examines the formation and evolution of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement. Barghouti argues that BDS’s growing success is due to its rights-based approach, collective leadership, call to Israelis of conscience, and promotion of context-specific strategies.