The Political Marginalization of Palestinian Women in the West Bank

The Political Marginalization of Palestinian Women in the West Bank

While Palestinian women have always faced political marginalization, developments since the Oslo Accords have caused them to endure perhaps even more formidable challenges when it comes to political participation. Al-Shabaka Palestine Policy Fellow 24588 outlines these challenges and recommends ways for Palestinian women and society to disrupt this process and revitalize the Palestinian liberation struggle through feminism. 

Who Lost the Arabs?: Regional Relations with Palestine

Article - Who Lost the Arabs?: Regional Relations with Palestine

Progressive political analysts often critique Arab states for abandoning the Palestinian struggle for liberation. This roundtable, facilitated by Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Nadine Naber and with contributions from Al-Shabaka Policy Analysts 24428, Loubna Qutami, and Sherene Seikaly, interrogates this critique, offering nuanced perspectives on whether and to what extent Arab states have abandoned or compromised the Palestinian cause.

Climate Change, the Occupation, and a Vulnerable Palestine

Climate Change, the Occupation, and a Vulnerable Palestine

Palestinians are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change due to the Israeli occupation. In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka US Policy Fellow 24598 examines how Israel’s appropriation of Palestinian natural resources and restrictions on movement prevents Palestinians from pursuing climate change adaption, and recommends options available to those in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Climate Change and the Palestinian Authority

Despite Palestinians and Israelis inhabiting the same terrain, Palestinians will suffer the effects of climate change more severely. Al-Shabaka US Policy Fellow 24598 examines how the Israeli occupation prevents Palestinians from managing their land and resources and the Palestinian Authority from supporting climate change adaptation, and recommends ways to strengthen Palestinians’ ability to counter the climate crisis.

Israel’s Termination of the Temporary International Presence in Hebron

What’s behind Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent expulsion of the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) – a group that had monitored human rights in the city for more than 20 years? Al-Shabaka Analyst Belal Shobaki sheds light on Netanyahu’s move and suggests ways for the international community to better defend Palestinian rights.

The Escalation of Israeli Collective Punishment of Palestinians

Israel has wielded collective punishment against the families of alleged Palestinian attackers since the military occupation began in 1967, but measures such as forcible transfer, home demolitions, and economic warfare have increased over the past several years. Al-Shabaka guest contributor 24498 tracks this surge and suggests possibilities for countering Israel’s expanding use of such tactics, which violate international law.

Palestine and the Israel-Saudi Arabia Alliance

Article - Palestine and the Israel-Saudi Arabia Alliance

Israel’s sale of Pegasus software to Saudi Arabia, which it used to surveille Jamal Khashoggi before his October 2018 murder, brought relations between the two states into the public eye. Al-Shabaka spoke with analyst 24428 about what the Israeli-Saudi alliance means for Saudi Arabia, Palestine, and the Palestinian struggle for rights, and what Palestinians can do to counter it.

Abbas and the Farce of Palestinian Democracy

What’s behind Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ recent dissolution of the Palestinian Legislative Council? Al-Shabaka Palestine Policy Fellow 24588 analyzes the move, uncovering likely motives and consequences in light of Abbas’ broader grip on power, and proposes ways to increase Palestinian democratic space.

Neopatrimonialism, Corruption, and the Palestinian Authority: Pathways to Real Reform

Article - Neopatrimonialism, Corruption, and the Palestinian Authority: Pathways to Real Reform

Overview Palestinians recently ranked corruption as the second largest problem they face after the economic crisis – higher than the Israeli occupation, which ranked third. Indeed, Palestinians generally view Palestinian Authority (PA) officials as a self-serving, elitist group disconnected from the Palestinian national struggle and the daily sufferings of the people. Such perceptions are fostered […]